毕业祝福语大全( 四 )

【74】:毕业,小舟,起航,满载,理想,追求 。我们,暂时,分手,重聚,祈愿,丰收!祝福,亲爱,学友,工作,顺利,圆满,成功,幸福,无忧!

【75】:In June, plum fragrant, harvest you smile. With the passion of summer, bring me warm greetings, wish you good luck in graduation, find an ideal job soon!

【76】:短暂的别离,是为了永久的相聚,让我们期盼,那份永恒的喜悦 。

【77】:In the world the most precious, is sincere friendship, deep miss, like the fragrance of flowers, open in the deep canyons.

【78】:离开彼此熟悉的环境,走入另一个陌生,就仿佛四年前我们从别处相会在这里,然后熟悉了,收获了,成长了,于是该远离了,接着走向另一群人,另一个成长的环境 。在未来,必然还会经历着更多的聚聚散散,我们将在生命的历程里,找寻真正的自己 。

【79】:我们为什么在这里相遇,又为什么在这里分离?今天我们暂且不谈悲喜 。让我们在这一刻好好的相聚 。时光易逝,相见无期,无论以后你我走到哪里都不要忘了你我曾经在这里相遇 。

【80】:In the classroom, exerts oneself hard diary; Dormitory, romping warm memories; Courtside, youth against blood form; Campus, you are my courage to lose sight of the good memories. Graduation season in June, wish you all so far, bon voyage!
【81】:Flower is the peony, the most beautiful people most close friends, friends don't hand over gold and silver, only one heart to make friends. Water thousands of miles to the sea, people go in friendship, the tree roots, the roots between friends heart to heart.

【82】:Do you remember? On the training field erected the red hat, parade loud slogans, yes, since then, we step into this fascinating world together...

【83】:轻轻拨动你的号码,让你知道我的到来;慢慢放飞我的祝福,让你感到我的存在 。让风儿送去我的心声,让星星传递我的问候,希望你天天快乐 。

【84】:Three the spring of hope, we have three sowing; Three golden autumn, we harvest for three times. We have received the three fire in the summer of hone and test in the dead of winter, please don't forget this flavorful colorful time.

【85】:Sail a boat in the port of youth, we break up temporarily, full of ideal and pursuit. When together again? Will at the time of the harvest!

【86】:More than one thousand to study day and night, more than one thousand day and night confusion, more than one thousand s, day and night graduate to find a job, let you locate yourself, find an ideal job, earn a happy fruit, win a colleague, life progresses day by day.


【88】:赛场上的汗水,教室里的读书声,宿舍里的谈笑,食堂里的争抢,这些都历历在目 。转眼毕业的钟声敲响,你我就要分别,此时的心情不知如何表达,唯有发出心底的祝愿,愿同学一路顺风!

【89】:课桌留下了回忆,粉笔写下了思意,黑板记录了情谊,教室珍藏了日记,每一次回眸,不是擦肩而过,而是彼此珍惜 。毕业快乐!毕业祝福语大全

【90】:还记得年少时的梦吧,是那些不曾凋零的花,我们经过风吹雨打,我们走到了这个天涯,在此分别我们的往事,在此回忆我们过去,在此向往我们的明天 。走吧,走吧,为了更好的明天 。

【91】:Like a butterfly flying over the flowers, like a clear spring flowing through the valley, in the memory in the heart of the screen, high school life, like colorful pages, and also like a Que leaping cheerful note movement.

【92】:Wishing you a drop of crystal water, projected into the vast sea; Of a fresh flower, flower garden; A flash of fiber, embroidery weave red flags; As a small screw, a lifetime to stick to his post...

【93】:Say goodbye to the tree-lined campus, set sail, a fight chapter; Say goodbye to a model master, inspiring, chasing dreams in your heart; Say goodbye to the old schoolmates, friendship long, note the desire of love. Graduation, you would like to with a vision, the direction of success!

【94】:To count the past, had tears and laughter precious memories. A friend is not much, really. In my life a few real friends, but have you!

【95】:Float in the sky with you hot June youth; June engraved you sincere friendship; June you smile; June was decorated with you the beautiful future. May all your wish come true, all plain sailing.

