毕业祝福语大全( 六 )

【120】:我的生活融入了你,你的生活中也蕴涵着我;当我们再次相见的时刻,你我仍然是一个整体 。

【122】:Meet in the beautiful campus, congenial; Get to know each other in the most beautiful season in, friendship is priceless; Together in the sea of youth, enthusiasm is bold and unrestrained; Don't in the time of graduation, NanSheNanLi. Graduation season in June, old brilliant future, blessing all the wonderful!

【123】:I deeply understand, took much time, over how many difficulties, you are the immediate success. Please believe that in your pursuit of the process of struggle and hard work, I will always stand beside you with a smile.

【124】:瞬间感动丰盈于心;擦肩之缘诠释岁月 。与你携手亦无悔 。花开是我懂你的笑颜;花落是我为你舞动的诗行 。毕业了,无论海角天涯,留一路花香便是永恒 。

【125】:不敢和你见面,我怕看到你身不得离去;发条信息给你,我不忍悄悄地离去 。毕业了,我们将各自东西,愿你记住我们的友谊永远,对你的支持永远 。别忘了保持联系!

【126】:Break up silently, just as we meet silently at the. May the warm breeze, give you the feeling and wishes to me. Brief departure, is to permanent gather, let us hope, the joy of the eternal.

【127】:Old friend graduation party made the three years of profound friendship, fellowship ball jump up the feelings of passion ripples, farewell party telling the heartfelt words of more than one thousand day and night. Brothers and sisters classmate, tearful looked difficult separation. Old friends blessing, future macro industry exhibition.

【128】:With each other in the spring and autumn, every game, every time, every quarrel, will be precious memories I have of a page.

【129】:如果你面对汹涌的波涛,不必惊怕,更不用自认渺小 。一旦有了博大的胸怀,你的人生将会像大海一般壮阔 。毕业分别,愿走出新路!

【130】:We are intimate classmates, we used to laugh together sad, graduation season, life has rolled out a golden road, life is shaking his welcome bouquet of flowers. Brave go, friend! The front, has sounded to conch; Rosy clouds, is bright red flag flying. As long as the brave struggle, happiness is in the front! Team slogan www.yw11.com

【131】:Once play into memory and get into memories, once chased into yi, once all into remembrance, graduation comes, only blessing classmate, smooth sailing, all the best, often contact yo.

【132】:从“五湖四海”来,到“天南地北”去 。不管走到哪里,不管在什么岗位,记得我们的誓言:永不言败!永不放弃!永不绝望!勇往直前!

【133】:The gentleness of the moonlight, than classmates warmth. The stars shine, as the ornament of a friend; The beauty of the sky, than classmates. Graduating to say goodbye to you all night and have a good dream, can stay happy every day, always have to think of me!

【134】:Over the past three years, and with the passion of youth, with the diligent sweat with indomitable willpower, with tireless exploration spirit, in this hot land of provinces in the river, cultivated their own ideal life, writing his own life.

【135】:竞技场上讲谦虚,无疑等于宣告自己的失败;该需要毛遂自荐时,就要当仁不让 。生活需要自己主宰,请珍惜大写的“我” 。毕业祝福语大全

【136】:尽管情绪酝酿了很久,思想也斗争了很久,但是真正提笔写下来的时候,才发现依旧没能摆脱笔下流淌的沉重感,虽然我很想把这一段纪念的文字写得欢快些,更欢快些,再欢快些 。

【137】:Although the parting of the bell is ringing, the campus life is no longer a long, but please pack up sad smile, because the sincere friendship can't sailing, blessing, please keep in mind as the sea, to a brilliant career, after graduation victory song singing loud and clear.

【138】:一张张照片定格相伴的岁月,一首首歌回忆相处的点滴,一句句留言湿润明亮的眼眸,一份份祝福相伴未来的路途,愿身边的朋友把毕业作为新的开始,把情意留在心的深处 。

【139】:四年同窗生活,兄弟一往情深 。今天我们将启程,开始生命新的旅程 。让我们珍惜现在,笑笑的说再见,让自己的人生更精彩 。别忘了对方,而我们的离别,是为了之后能够再聚,能够再回到一起 。毕业了,愿以后幸福如意!

