words|托福写作官方要求解读( 二 )

Lauguage use
Language use is the third criterion on which your essay will be judged. To get a top score, an essay must display “consistent facility in the use of language.” There should be a variety of sentence structures, and word choice should be appropriate. (句式多样 , 用词合适)If your essay includes a few minor lexical or grammatical errors, you can still get a high score. (小错误被允许)However, if you make a lot of grammatical errors and if those errors make it hard to understand your meaning, you will get a lower score. (但是如果造成歧义 , 会扣分)Raters will also judge your essay based on the complexity of sentence structures and on the quality and complexity of your vocabulary. If you use very simple sentences and very basic vocabulary, you will probably not be able to express very complex ideas.(过于简单的句子和词汇并不能表达清楚复杂含义) If your language is hard to follow, your sentences are overly simple, and your vocabulary is limited, you may score no higher than a 3 no matter how impressive your ideas may be. (语言难懂分扣分)
【words|托福写作官方要求解读】An essay at this level largely accomplishes all of the following:
- Effectively addresses the topic and task (切题)
- Is well organized and well developed, using clearly appropriate explanations, exemplifications, and/or details(结构良好 , 有细节/例子)
- Displays unity, progression, and coherence (连贯)
- Displays consistent facility in the use of language, demonstrating syntactic variety, appropriate word choice, and idiomaticity, though it may have minor lexical or grammatical errors (语言)
