
An effective response is typically about 300 words long. If you write fewer than 300 words, you may still receive a top score, but experience has shown that shorter responses typically do not demonstrate the development of ideas needed to earn a score of 5. There is no maximum word limit. You may write as much as you wish in the time allotted. But do not write just to be writing; write to respond to the topic. The number of ideas you express is important, but it is the quality of your ideas and the effectiveness with which you express them that will be most valued by the raters.
先是字数的问题:“在合理的情况之下” , 大家可以尝试稍微多写一些 , 比较合理的字数是450字左右 。 当然如果你的手速足够快 , 可以再多一些 。


Raters will judge the quality of your writing. They will consider how well you develop your ideas, how well you organize your essay, and how well you use language to express your ideas.
Development is the amount and kinds of support (examples, details, reasons) for your ideas that you present in your essay. To get a top score, your essay should be, according to the rater guidelines, “well developed, using clearly appropriate explanations, exemplifications, and/or details.” The raters will judge whether you have addressed the topic and how well your details, examples, and reasons support your ideas. high quality essay writing service on www.lunwentop.net
Do not “memorize” long introductory and concluding paragraphs just to add words to your essay. Raters will not look favorably on wordy introductory and concluding paragraphs such as the following: (考官并不喜欢模板句型 , 比如下面的例子 , 是不会得到高分的)
“The importance of the issue raised by the posed statement, namely creating a new holiday for people, cannot be underestimated, as it concerns the very fabric of society. As it stands, the issue of creating a new holiday raises profound implications for the future. However, although the subject matter in general cannot be dismissed light-heartedly, the perspective of the issue as presented by the statement raises certain qualms regarding practical application”(错误示范)
In your writing, make sure you develop some solid ideas about the given topic. Do not just use a lot of words saying that a certain issue exists. Your essay may be 300 or even 400 words long, but if it consists largely of the sorts of empty or content-free paragraphs shown above, you will probably earn a score of just 1 or 2. (如果只是空洞的无内容的句子 , 分数不会很高)
Organization is something that raters notice—when you fail to organize. If an essay is organized, a reader will be able to read it from the beginning to the end without becoming confused. (一切以方便阅读者理解为最高原则) Writing in paragraphs and marking transitions from one idea to another in various ways usually helps the reader to follow your ideas. But be aware that just using transition words such as first or second does not guarantee that your essay is organized. The points you make must all relate to the topic of the essay and to the main idea you are presenting in response. In other words, your essay should be unified. The scoring guide mentions “unity” as well as “progression” and “coherence”—these are terms that all have to do with how well your essay is organized and how easy it is for the reader to follow your ideas. To earn a top score, you need to avoid redundancy (repetition of ideas), digression (points that are not related to your main point, that take away from the “unity” of your ideas), and unclear connections (places where it is hard for the reader to understand how two ideas or parts of your writing are related). (确保每个句子 , 都和主题直接相关)
