文章|留学生如何正确确立自己的文章见解( 二 )

最终这一种见解句 , 没有啥因素了 , 我们写的很归纳或是精练全是能够的 。 由于终究是他人的观点 , 要不不重要 , 要不会被大家否认 。
假定题型是:办夏季奥运会怎么样?大家感觉好 。 文章内容中假如出现他人见解 , 则她们感觉不太好 。
1.妥协段:some people
Admittedly,some people may believe that holding Olympic Games has some disadvantages as far as the overall budget is concerned.The countries that have ever hosted this international sports event normally face fiscal deficit in the short term because of the financial resource distributed to ensure the construction of professional facilities,the smooth operation of the competition and the safety of all players and spectators.
这儿他人的见解要扛起全部妥协段 , 我们都是要充足论述这一文章段落的 。
这儿的见解句连词和前边的是一样的 , 便是把I换词some people/the opponent/the proponent/the advocates/the critics of… , 或是客观性写出:a counter argument is that…/it is said that等 。
Some people may believe that holding Olympic Games has some disadvantages as far as the overall budget is concerned.However,in the long term,host country may benefit from an increased popularity and more sequential investment from organizations around the global,which is beneficial to the economy and tourism industry to be more specific.
这儿的他人见解句 , 仅仅为了更好地引出来自身的论点论据 , 因此 , 写完以后 , 不用表述 , 马上否认掉 。
In addition,host country may benefit from an increased popularity and more sequential investment from organizations around the global,which is beneficial to the economy and tourism industry to be more specific.Admittedly,some people may believe that holding Olympic Games has some disadvantages as far as the overall budget is concerned,but the possible fiscal deficit is temporary and normally bearable for a country.
这个时候 , 他人见解放到段后 , 主要是为了更好地阅字 。 还记得马上辩驳掉 , 终究这一段主见解感觉举行夏季奥运会非常好 。
学生们看了以后能够尝试做一些训练 , 提高自己的essay写作能力 。
