essay|怎样根据阅读文章和Essay Analysis学习提升自己写作水平( 二 )

It is now possible for scientists and tourists to travel to remote natural environment,such as the South Pole.Do the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages?
因为大家务必证实自身的见解并出示适用其的事实论据和直接证据 , 它是一篇议论文 , 即argumentative essay 。
为了更好地做进一步的剖析 , 学生们先必须找到毕业论文题目中的关键字 。 大家上边出示的毕业论文题目中的关键字便是:
scientists and tourists;
remote natural environment 。
特别注意:题型中的每一个词用很重要 , <a href="">essay analysis</a>和创作时千万别忽视 。
使我们剖析一下 , scientists和tourists去remote natural environment的总体目标毫无疑问不一样 。 以回应题型中问起优点和缺点 , 大家先必须发觉她们都去那的总体目标 , 因此这一重要短语是很重要 。
次之 , 谈起remote natural environment时在上面的实例中被强调是the South Pole , 而不是一切别的偏僻的地区 。 因而 , 题型中得出了一个实际的地区肯定是有缘故的 , 因此这也是重要短语 。
在上面出示的2个实例中创作者列举了去南极的优点和缺点 。 使我们小结一下所明确提出的见解:
优势三:生物学家会发觉如何解决全球性问题 , 如全球气候变暖 。
缺陷二:边远地区欠缺维护 , 因此旅游家的人身安全无法得到确保;
缺陷四:去那旅游的人提升 , 会危害本地小动物的生存环境 。
上边小编小结了创作者明确提出的关键见解 。 但创作essay时只明确提出见解并不充足 , 大家还必须出示适用每一个见解的直接证据 。 使我们再一次看一下毕业论文的实例 , 而找到有关的直接证据:
优势一的直接证据:Since going to other cities or countries has been too common for most people,it might be more exciting for them to explore new places such as the South Pole or the Amazon rainforest.This gives them valuable experiences and unforgettable memories.
优势二的直接证据:For example,when coming to the North Pole,scientists can learn about the life of polar bears which live far away from humans.
优势三的直接证据:For instance,environmental scientists can analyse the data about the thickness of ice layers over millions of years in both hemispheres to predict the possible changes in global temperatures.
缺陷一的直接证据:Visiting isolated places often requires a large amount of investment in researching and ensuring the safety of travellers,the costs of travelling tend to be high.Therefore,it seems like only scientists and rich people can afford this activity…
缺陷二的直接证据:For instance,the temperature at the South Pole is usually very low,which adversely affects people’s health.Travelling to forests can also be dangerous as people have to face the risk of being attacked by animals.
缺陷三的直接证据:When people are given full and easy access to the distant and unpopulated areas,there are likely to be more moving there to reside or start their business.It has been shown that substantial damage has been done to nature such as massive deforestation or water contamination due to humans’lack of environmental awareness.
缺陷四的直接证据:If there is inadequate protection of the environment from this type of action,wild regions in the world will no longer exist,unspeakably affecting not only the overall ecology but also the lives of other people.
