

告诉桃花不必开了我已经可以一个人迎接寒来暑往了 。
Tell the peach blossom that I don't need to bloom and I can meet the cold and summer by myself.
我一个人行走江湖 , 走马观花不会为谁而驻足 。
I walk alone in the Jianghu and I will not stop for anyone.
我从未觉得我孤单 , 说得浪漫些我完全自由 。
I never felt lonely. To be romantic I am completely free 。
吃的柠檬酸中酸 , 游戏才能玩的欢 。
Only when you eat citric acid is sour can you have fun in the game.
花开了 , 我就画花 , 花谢了 , 我就画我自己 。
When the flowers bloom I will draw flowers. When the flowers die I will draw myself.
人生辽阔 , 眼里不应该只有爱与被爱 。
Life is vast and you should not only love and be loved in your eyes.
我有趣的灵魂 , 足够撑起单身的岁月 。
My interesting soul is enough to support my single life.
不感兴趣 , 不想了解 , 不想废话 。
Not interested do not want to know do not want to talk nonsense.
拐个弯 , 与自己和解 , 一切都是最好的安排 。
Turn a corner make peace with yourself everything is the best arrangement.
比起有人左右情绪的生活 , 我更喜欢无人问津的日子 。
I prefer the days when no one cares about my emotions to the days when no one cares about them.
爱来爱去没意思 , 日子照样过 , 傍晚的风 , 清凉的啤酒 , 哪一样不是快乐 。
It's boring to love but the days go on. The evening wind and cool beer are not happy.
我不喜欢患得患失的感受 , 无论是谁 , 我都没把握能留住 。
I don't like the feeling of being swayed by considerations of gain and loss. No matter who I am I'm not sure I can keep it.
没有遇到深沉而持久的爱 , 所以独行更有意思 。
There is no deep and lasting love so it is more interesting to walk alone.
【|适合发朋友圈的单身文案】我本来就是要淋雨的 , 遇到你给我打伞 , 到前面分叉口你突然跟我说我们不同路了 , 我依旧一个人淋着雨 。
I was going to get caught in the rain. When I met you I opened an umbrella for me. When I reached the fork in front you suddenly told me that we had different roads. I was still caught in the rain alone.
关于我没有对象这件事 , 没有一个女人是无辜的 。
No woman is innocent about the fact that I have no date.
我有男朋友了 , 谢谢大家关心暂时还不打算公开 , 因为关系还不稳定 , 毕竟有时候梦不到 。
I have a boyfriend. Thank you for your concern. I don't plan to make it public yet because the relationship is still unstable. After all sometimes I can't dream of it.
全世界都散发着恋爱的酸臭味 , 只有我散发着单身狗的清香 。
Love stinks all over the world but only I smell the fragrance of single dog.
院内的老枣树不知怎么的 , 今年竟结了几颗果实不好 , 略显苦涩 , 但转念一想昨晚梦中的那位女子 , 倒也甜了几分 。
