|适合发朋友圈的单身文案( 二 )

For some reason the old jujube trees in the courtyard bear a few bad fruits this year which is slightly bitter but on second thought the woman in my dream last night was also a little sweet.

我大抵是病了 , 躺在床上横竖睡不着 , 坐起来静静地看着窗外 , 这悲伤没由得来 , 黯然的看着床头的两个枕头 , 一个是我的 , 另一个也是我的 。
Generally I was ill and I couldn't sleep in bed. I sat up and quietly looked out of the window. This sadness didn't come to me and I looked at the two pillows at the bedside one of which was mine and the other was mine.
大抵是到了该寻一个姑娘的年纪了 , 近来夜里冷的厉害 , 特别是心里 , 凉的出奇 。
Generally it's time to find a girl. Recently it's very cold at night especially in my heart.
两床被子面对这寒冷的挑衅 , 也显得有些许吃力了 , 或许只有心仪的姑娘的照料 , 才能让我感到温暖罢了 。
Facing this cold provocation the two quilts also seem to have a little difficulty. Perhaps only the care of my favorite girl can make me feel warm.
鱼和熊掌不可兼得 , 唯独穷和单身可以 。
You can't have your cake and eat it but you can be poor and single.
大抵是上了岁数 , 独自匆忙赶路的时候倒也没觉着什么 , 待到吃饭时 , 一双筷子一只碗 , 到底是尝处些孤独来 。
Generally speaking I was old and I didn't feel anything when I hurried alone. When I was eating a pair of chopsticks and a bowl came to taste some loneliness.
湖畔的花又到了绽开的季节 , 夕阳洒照在湖面上 , 它映照着我 , 却独只有我的影子 , 它没动 , 我也没动 。
The lakeside flowers are blooming again. The sunset shines on the lake. It reflects me but only my shadow. It does not move and neither do I.
那你走之后 , 我得了一场大病 , 疼的我痛不欲生 , 后来我活过来了 , 却忘记了自己 。
After you left I got a serious illness which caused me great pain. Later I came back to life but I forgot myself.
不想放弃 , 所以一直坚持 , 不想流泪 , 所以一直装笑 , 不想被丢下 , 所以宁愿独自一人 。
I don't want to give up so I keep insisting and don't want to cry so I always pretend to laugh and don't want to be left behind so I prefer to be alone.
一个人还在幻想 , 还在等待 。 于是 , 喜欢一个人用文字记录稀薄的忧伤 , 用文字记录淡淡的哀愁 。
A person is still dreaming and waiting. Therefore I like a person to record thin sadness in words and light sadness in words.
