

这是【软实力英语】分享的第1058篇原创英语启蒙文章 。
1. Pursue your object be it what it will steadily and indefatigably.
不管追求什么目标 , 都应该坚持不懈 。
2. Science only bestows the grandest favour on those who concentrate on it.
科学只把最高的恩典赐给专心致志献身于它的人 。
3. There is nothing which human courage will not undertake and little that human patience will not endure.
人的勇气能承担一切重负 , 人的耐心能忍受大部分痛苦 。
4. When you're sleeping I'll be working. When you're working I'll be twice as hard.
当你在睡觉的时候 , 我一直在工作 。 当你在工作的时候 , 我已经付出了双倍于你的努力 。---何猷君
5. We are not afraid of being incompetent but are fearful of being impersistent.
不怕无能 , 就怕无恒 。
6. We must repeat a thousand and one times;  perseverance is the only road to success.
我们必须重复一千零一次 , 坚韧不拔是唯一的成功之路 。
7. A strong will and enthusiasm are the wings of pioneering work; self-confidence and perseverance are the steps to success.
壮志与热情是创业的羽翼 , 自信和坚忍是成功的阶梯 。
8. There is no right choices in this world at all. We just need to strive and work hard to make the original choice right.
这个世界上根本没有正确的选择 , 我们只不过是要努力奋斗 , 使当初的选择变得正确 。
9. The winner is not necessarily the one who runs the fastest but the one who holds on to the last.
胜利者不一定是跑得最快的人 , 而是最有耐力的人 。
10. A little learning is a dangerous thing.
学问浅薄 , 如履薄冰 。 (蒲柏 )
11. A room without books is a body without soul.
没有书籍的屋子 , 就像没有灵魂的躯体 。
12. In order to become the 1% you must do what the other 99% won't do.
为了成为1%(的精英) , 你必须做其它99%的人不去做的事情 。
13. Tomorrow belongs to those who can hear it coming.
明天属于那些能听见它来临的人 。   —— David Bowie
14. A negative mind will never give you a positive life.
消极的态度永远不会有积极的人生 。
15. Count your age by friends not years; Count your life by smiles not tears.
以友情计岁月 , 而非年龄.以笑容量人生 , 而非泪水.
16. The greatest of faults I should say is to be conscious of none.  —— Thomas Carlyle
我必须得说 , 最大的过错 , 莫过于看不到任何过错 。

17. Small deeds done are better than great deeds planned.
已经完成的小事 , 胜于计划中的大事 。
18. The ultimate freedom is to leave the people and things you don't like. --Sartre
最大的自由是离开你不喜欢的人和事 。
19.Happy families are all alike every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.
幸福的家庭都是相似的 , 不幸的家庭各有各的不幸 。
20. What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.
与存在于我们心中的相比 , 在我们身后和面前的都是小事 。
21. Our greatest glory consists not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.
人生最大的光荣 , 不在于永不失败 , 而在于能屡败屡战 。
22. Don't get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life.  —— Dolly Parton
千万别为忙着营生而忘了享受人生 。

23. The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.
你注定只会成为你决心要变成的那个人 。
24. Tomorrow belongs to those who can hear it coming.
