


1、Hope is a good thing maybe the best of things and no good thing ever dies
希望是美好的 , 也许是人间至善 , 而美好的事物永不消散-《肖申克的救赎》
2、Be yourself everyone else is already taken
做你自己就好 , 因为别人已经有人做了-王尔德
3、In a world that knows nothing there will be surprises if you go on
在一无所知的世界里 , 一直走下去才会有惊喜!
4、Everything in the world is better than one you

5、To live with a smile do not let yourself
要微笑常伴生活左右 , 别辜负了自己
6、I do not mind as long as the last is you
我不介意等待 , 只要最后是你
7、It is better to look at the sky than live there
8、I hope you are here for me
