菲尔兹奖得主Thurston与庞加莱猜想( 五 )

富勒烯也被称为戈德堡多面体;这种多面体最近引起了人们的兴趣,因为新发现的这种多面体的实例具有高度的对称性,并且所有边长都相等 。瑟斯顿在这其中的发现是,具有h个6价顶点(h为正整数)和12个5价顶点的不等价的三角剖分多面体的种类多得出奇,从而给出了一系列有待研究的种类丰富的高度结构化多面体 。他还给出了多种方法构造这些多面体 。
瑟斯顿用高度图像化的方式处理和思考数学问题,也因此他的一些工作被拍成视频,有些他还参与了拍摄 。其中一个视频讲述了瑟斯顿开发的一种结构,用来展示在3维空间里,可以把一个球体由内向外翻转,而不会产生任何折痕和挤压,这个过程被称为外翻(eversion) 。瑟斯顿的学术师祖父Stephen Smale最先证明了这个惊人的事实是可能的 。
介绍翻转球面的数学科普短片“Outside in”,由明尼苏达大学的几何中心(Geometry Center)制作 。陶哲轩在悼念Thurston的文章中曾说:“我最喜欢瑟斯顿的一个成果是他翻转球体的优雅方法,也就是平滑地将三维空间中的一个二维球面内外翻转过来,不能有任何折叠或奇点 。球面外翻可以实现这一事实是非常不直观的,它通常被称为Smale悖论,因为 Stephen Smale 第一个证明了这种外翻是可能的 。然而,在瑟斯顿的方法之前,已知的球面外翻的构造相当复杂 。通过压缩和扭曲球面,瑟斯顿的方法足够概念化和几何化,实际上可以很有效地用非技术术语来解释 。”
除此之外,几何中心还制作了关于纽结与双曲空间的短片“Not Knot”(不是纽结,而是纽结补空间),以及探索三维空间可能性的“The shape of space” 。从中我们对Thurston的数学研究或许会有更多更直观的了解 。(相关视频请前往《返朴》观看)
[1] Atiyah, M. et al., Response to "Theoretical Mathematics toward a cultural synthesis of mathematics with theoretical physics, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, 30 (1994) 178-207.[2] Conway, J. and H. Burgiel, H., C. Goodman-Strauss, The Symmetry of Things, A K Peters Wellesley, MA, 2008.[3] Gromov, M. and W. Thurston, Pinching constants for hyperbolic manifolds, Invent. Math., 89 (1987) 1-12.[4] Gray, J., Henri Poincaré: A scientific biography. Princeton University Press, Princeton, 2012.[5] Grünbaum, B. and T. Motzkin, The number of hexagons and the simplicity of geodesics on certain polyhedra, Canad. J. Math. 15(1963) 744-751.[6] Jaffe, A. and F. Quinn, "Theoretical Mathematics toward a cultural synthesis of mathematics with theoretical physics, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, 29 (1993) 1-13.[7] Malkevitch, J. (ed.), Geometry\\\’s Future (2nd. edition), COMAP, Bedford, MA, 1991.[8] Thurston, W., Three-dimensional manifolds, Kleinian groups and hyperbolic geometry, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 6 (1982) 357–381.[9] Thurston, W., Hyperbolic structures on 3-manifolds. I. Deformation of acylindrical manifolds. Annals of Math., 124 (1986), 203–246.[10] Thurston, W., On the geometry and dynamics of diffeomorphisms of surfaces. Bull. Amer. Math. Soc., 19 (1988), 417–431.[11] Thurston, W., Mathematical education, Notice of the American Mathematical Society, 37 (1990) 844-850.[12] Thurston, W., On proof and progress in mathematics, Bulletin American Mathematical Society, 30 (1994) 161-177.[13] Thurston, W. and S. Levy (ed.), Three-dimensional geometry and topology. Vol. 1. Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1997. (Thurston had privately distributed various versions of his writing and course notes on manifolds. His student Silvio Levy worked with Thurston on turning these notes into this volume.)[14] Schein, S. and J. Gaye, Fourth class of convex equilateral polyhedron with polyhedral symmetry related to fullerenes and viruses, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111 (2014) 2920-2925.
本文节选并翻译自美国数学学会在2012年发表的纪念William Thurston的文章“Remembering Bill Thurston(1946-2012)”,略有删节 。原文链接:http://www.ams.org/publicoutreach/feature-column/fc-2017-04 。
