|SCI论文的讨论部分加分句型( 三 )

这一结果与之前关于...的研究结果相吻合 。
When comparing our results to those of older studies it must be pointed out that...
当我们的结果与以前的研究结果相比较时 , 必须指出...
These basic findings are consistent with research showing that...
这些基本发现与研究表明的...是一致的 。
Unfortunately we can not determine this from this data……Our results are lack of……
不幸的是 , 我们无法从这些数据中确定这一点……我们的结果缺乏……
Not withstanding its limitation this study does suggest……
尽管存在局限性 , 这项研究确实提出了……
One limitation of these methods however is that they...
然而 , 这些方法的一个限制是...
Despite its preliminary character this study can clearly indicate……
尽管它是初步的 , 但这项研究可以清楚地表明……
Oneimportant future direction of ...is...

Thusfuture iterations of ... may in fact demonstrate even greater potency.
因此 , ……的未来迭代实际上可能会展示出更大的效力 。
The experimental research results will hopefully serve as useful feedback information for improvements for XXX work.
实验研究结果有望为XXX工作的改进提供有用的反馈信息 。

