Between and的用法 between 的具体用法

between[a place or time that is before the one(place or time)but after the other]意为介于其间的地方或时间;在其间 。between乍看起来非常容易使用 。但在教学过程中发现许多学生只知道between用于两个人或两件事之前 。事实上在现代英语中某些场合between也可用于三者或三者以上 。遇到类似情况时,许多学生颇感困惑,下面把between的用法加以简单叙述 。
一、在涉及三个或三个以上的人或物,每二个之间的相互关系时,可以用between 。
1.表示在好几件事物中的精确位置 。
Switzerland lies between France,Italy,Austria and Germany.
瑞士位于法、意、奥、德四国之间 。
2.表示某物的具体方位 。
My hometown lies between a river and mountains.
我的家乡位于一条河和群山之间 。

Many decisions have been made between different countries.
不同的国家达成了许多决议 。
4.表示三个或三个以上的事物彼此间的差异、区别、矛盾或竞争关系时 。between常
【Between and的用法 between 的具体用法】与以下名词连用,如:difference,distinction,contradiction,competition,rivalry,relation,division等 。
Can you tell the difference between gases.solids and liquids?
There are different dialects between different districts.
不同地区具有不同方差 。

二、表示三个或三个以上人和物的共同作用时,用between 。
Between the three classes they collected100 yuan to the poor girl.
他们在这3个班募集了100元给小女孩 。
2.表示由于…共同作用的结果 。
Between making beds,washing dishes,sewing and raising her children, she was kept busy.
铺床、洗碗、缝补和带孩子使她忙得不可开交 。
We have ten pens between us.
我们一共有十只钢笔 。
The students had one classroom between them.

学生们共享一教室 。
三、在share,divide,distribute等动词后几个单数名词前用between,在复数名词前用among和between都可以 。
I divide my time between preparing for the class,teaching,and correcting the exercises.
我把时间分别用在备课、上课与批作业上 。
Mr Wang divides his money between his children.
王先生把钱分给了五个儿子 。
