Gemini Gemini brothers, Castor and Pollux are Leda son.King was born in Sparta brother Castor, Pollux brother was born Zeus,So Pollux have eternal footer.Two brothers, Castor and Pollux, from the feelings and social linkages are very good.Castor skilled horsemanship and tame horses, and participate in risky activities often go off hunting and Pollux is good at boxing.In a certain battle, my brother was killed, Pollux very sad.Finally Pollux had promised to Zeus willing to exchange their lives brother's life.Zeus Pollux of compassion have brotherly affection, decided to let them look around in the sky forever.Krebs Krebs and the Heracles, the Greek mythology familiar friends all know,Heracles to be completed in 12 atonement almost impossible task,The second task was to kill the Hydra of Lerna-seems to grow Lernaean Hydra.When Heracles struggle with the Hydra,Hera has secretly dispatched a Heteropoda days to block Heracles killing a snakeHeracles then the firm has been closely primer Krebs, like he was paralyzedBut in the end, using the stick to Heracles Heteropoda killed, and successfully killed the Hydra of Lerna-seems to grow.Hydra now would only do they Block.Heteropoda because sustained injuries to the legs and Heracles who was Hera, or space, as Krebs.Lion This is the greatest hero Heracles in Greek was almost impossible to complete another section of the 12 tasks.Heracles first task is to kill the Nemean Lion.Nemean Lion share Round thick-skinned, bullet-proof, as the storm roared up.Heracles long wrangle with it, finally giving Heracles strangled it.Heracles giant lion claws to chop off their children with a huge lion claws removed lion skin caused initially will be manufactured breeds helmetson his shoulders a glorious tasks.Heracles recognition of the merits, or God Zeus will Nemean Lion, as Lion.
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