

“cat”的读音:英 [k?t] 美 [k?t]
n. 猫;猫科动物;狠毒的女人;吊锚机;独桅船;九尾鞭
【“cat”用英语怎么读?】v. 起锚;寻找性伴侣
1、cat的基本意思是“猫”,指猫的总称 。cat还可指包括猫在内的所有“猫科动物”,如狮、虎、豹等 。
2、cat多用来指代雌性的猫,所以其代词多为she或her 。
3、cat是可数名词,其复数形式为cats 。
扩展资料:1、The cat is playing with a live mouse.
猫在戏弄那只活老鼠 。
2、The tiger is a representative of the cat family.
老虎是猫科动物的典型 。
3、My cat Gustaf was the only thing I had—the only company.
我的猫古斯塔夫是我所有的一切——我唯一的伴侣 。
4、 It's a cat-and-mouse game to him, and I'm the mouse.
在他看来,这是个猫捉老鼠的把戏,而我就是老鼠 。
5、Could you just give us a description of your cat?
cat读音:英 [k?t]美 [k?t] ;
释义:n.猫猫科动物心地恶毒的女人,爱说人坏话的女人胆小鬼<俚>家伙,人<美俚>流动工人;vt.把(锚)吊放在锚架上用九尾鞭打<英俚>呕吐寻找异性;第三人称单数: cats;复数: cats;现在分词: catting;过去式: catted;过去分词: catted
例句:The cat stayed well out of range of the children. 这只猫离孩子们远远的;One cat is black and white, the other solid black. 一只猫是黑白花色的,另一只猫是纯黑色的 。
The cat soon made the association between human beings and food. 这只猫很快就把人类与食物联系起来;She was like a cat on hot bricks before her driving test. 她考驾驶执照前十分紧张不安 。
读音:英 [k?t]美 [k?t]
罗马音:kài te
cat翻译为猫 。
1.The cat jumped onto the wall./猫纵身跳上围墙 。
2.The scientists referred the tiger to the cat family./科学家将虎归入猫科 。
3.Suddenly she walked right over to me and, without one word, held out her cat./突然,她径直向我走来,一句话没说,把她的猫向我伸过来 。
4.See how your cat has messed up my ball of wool./瞧你的猫把我的绒线球弄乱了 。
5.The milk you put out in the saucer was quickly lapped up by the cat./你倒在碟子里的牛奶很快就被猫舔光了 。
6.I didn't mean to hit the cat, I was aiming at [for] the tree./我并没想打这只猫, 我是瞄那棵树 。
7.The cat nuzzled up to my leg./猫咪在我的腿边蹭来蹭去 。
8.My cat spat at a dog./我的猫向一只狗呜呜地低鸣 。
9.The cat crouched down, ready to spring on the mouse./那只猫蹲下身来准备向老鼠猛扑过去 。
10.The cat hogged himself to attack a big dog./那只猫拱起背向一条大狗发起了攻击
