高考祝福的英文句子 2021高考英文祝福句子

1、青霄有路终须到 , 金榜无名誓不休 。When there is a way to the sky, there is no end to theGolden List.
2、不要用借口搪塞失败 , 不要让骄傲占据心灵 。Don';t use excuses to fool failure, don';t let prideoccupy your heart.
3、不苦不累高三无味 , 不拼不搏高三白活 。No pain, no tiredness, no taste, no struggle, no whitework.
4、兼听则明 , 偏信则暗 。Listening at the same time is clear, but belief is dark.
5、我因一班而自豪 , 一班因我而骄傲 。I am proud of Class One, Class One is proud of me.
6、今天多一份拼搏 , 明天多几份欢笑 。Today';s struggle, tomorrow';s laughter.
7、人活着要呼吸 。呼者 , 出一口气;吸者 , 争一口气 。People breathe when they are alive. Exhaler, take abreath; Inhaler, take a breath.
8、只有经过地狱般的磨练 , 才能拥有创造天堂的力量!Only through hell-like training can we have thepower to create heaven!
【高考祝福的英文句子 2021高考英文祝福句子】
9、快马加鞭 , 君为先 , 自古英雄出少年 。Quick horse and whip, gentleman first, since ancient timesheroes out of youth.
10、非学无以广才 , 非志无以成学 。There is no widespread talent without learning, and noambition without learning.
