

What does f*endship mean?
There is no definite answer 。An eternal theme in literat*e, f*endship is also indispensable in daily life 。
F*endship is to o* life what salt is to dishes 。When you are happy,f*endship is just like adding flowers on the b*cades; when you are sad, f*endship is a dose of consolation; if you are in t*uble,f*ends will s**und you and remove the bar*ers for you; if you have a hard nut to crack,you can t*n to f*ends for * 。We ad*e the great f*endship be*een Marx and Engels ,  which firmly bined them and pushed them forward on the *ad to explo*ng and fulfilling Communi* 。
F*endship isn"t almighty,but no one can live happily without it 。
F*endship is like a cup of cappuccino,
sweet and with feeling 。
F*endship is like a sharp ar*w,
shoots o* shortings 。
When we are in t*uble,
f*ends are *ing 。
F*endship is precious,
it is like a *ng 。
F*endship needs care,
or it will be missing 。
F*ends’hearts are b*ght,
they are shining 。
We need f*ends,
bec*se they like sp*ng , 
it can give us warm and hope , 
we will learn its meaning 。
As we all know ,  *rybody needs f*ends and f*endship plays an important part in o* stu*s ,  work and
*ryday life 。As f*ends we should * and trust each other and share not only joys but sor*ws as well 。To
keep o* f*endship, we shouldn"t only think of o*selves 。Think of what we have done for o* f*ends instead
of what they have done for us 。Once o* f*ends are in t*uble,we should try o* best to * them out 。Just
as the famous saying goes: A f*end in need is a f*end indeed 。Besides,as f*ends we should be honest to each
other,and n*r tell lies 。Otherwise,o* f*endship will end soon 。
As it is with *rything else ,  f*endship also needs to be taken good care of 。Once we bee f*ends with
someone,we should *,value, and respect each other 。Only in this way can o* f*endship last long 。With
f*ends a*und us ,  we are s*e to enjoy a h*r life 。
Love of F*endship
As a hu*n being,one can hardly do anything without a f*end 。Helping one out of t*uble and b*nging happiness to a lonely heart,a true f*end *y shed sun* and love on one"s life 。A f*end will * you find out and overe an overlooked shorting,so that you can *ke p*gress and have success in yo* work or study 。All the splendor in the world is not worth a good f*end 。True f*endship is like an in-time rain falling on the dry land 。True f*ends are not those like to eat or d*nk together with you , but those who concern * about yo* needs,g*wth,successes and fail*es 。Just as the old saying puts it,"A f*end in need is a f*end indeed" 。I think it"s the *ght reply to the meaning of the love of f*endship!
F*endship is one of the GREa* pleas*es that people can enjoy 。It is very difficult to find a better definition of f*endship 。A true f*end does indeed find pleas*e in o* joy and share sor*w in o* g*ef 。In time of t*al,he or she is always at o* side to give us his or her * and fort 。
Knowing how valuable f*endship is,we should be very careful in o* choice of a f*end 。We must choose someone who has a good character,whose activities are good and who shows kindness of heart 。We should avoid those shallow people who are easily changed by adversities or mi*ortune 。
A true f*end can always be trusted,loved and respected 。If you tell a f*end yo* secrets,he or she won’t tell anyone else 。F*ends share each other’s joys and sor*ws 。They * each other when they are in t*uble ,  and cheer each other up when they are sad 。The most important thing is that a f*end always understands you 。In conclusion,when you have *de a good f*end,don’t forget him or her 。
In my eyes,f*endship can be considered as a special thing 。It will effect *rybody"s life 。F*ends will * to wipe my eyes when cry 。They can listen to me when I want to speak 。They might *n tell me some jokes when I am unhappy 。
Once,I only got __*分*in my Math * 。I thought that my parents must be very angry 。One of my best f*end , Lucy came to ask why I was so sad 。I told her the th*th 。She enco*ged me and said something to *ke me happy 。When my parents asked my score,I told them and said I would get higher score in the next *,they beli*d me 。In the next *,I really got a better score 。If my f*end didn"t enco*ge me , I would not get the better score!
what is f*endship? it is to relate with somebody without need for money or objective 。
