大家好,小龙来为大家解答以上的问题 。receiver是什么设备,receive这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!
1、vt. 收到;接待;接纳vi. 接收vt.1. 收到,接到:例句: I have just received his reply.我刚刚收到他的回信 。
2、2. 得到;受到;遇到:例句: In old China,eighty per cent of the children received no formal education.在旧中国,百分之八十的儿童受不到正式教育 。
3、3. 经受;遭受:例句: He received severe injuries and nearly lost his life during the Second World War.在第二次世界大战期间他身负重伤险些丧命 。
4、4. 承受;抵挡(住):例句: She received his blows with her arms.她用胳臂挡住他的殴打 。
5、5. 受赞许:例句: His newly published novel was well received.他新出版的小说受到人们的欢迎 。
6、6. 受理;(同意)听到:例句: The local court received her petition for divorce.地方法院受理了她的离婚申请 。
7、7. 承认;认可:例句: It is a new theory universally received.这是一项得到普遍认可的新理论 。
8、8. 接纳:容纳:例句: He was received into the club.他已被允许加入这个俱乐部 。
9、There are always relatives and friends living in his house,but he does not receive strangers.他的家里经常住着一些亲戚朋友,但他不收容陌生人 。
10、9. 接待;欢迎(宾客等):例句: He received us in the drawing-room.他在客厅里接见了我们 。
11、The chief manager is not receiving callers today.总经理今天不接见客人 。
12、10. 【体育】接(发球):例句: Her service has improved,and I can hardly receive it.她的发球技术已经改进了,我几乎接不住她发的球 。
13、11. 接收(无线电、电视等):例句: I have never received foreign stations.我从来没有收听过外国电台 。
14、12. 【宗教】领(圣餐):例句: to receive the sacrament领圣餐vi.1. 收到;接受:例句: It is more important for us to give than to receive.对我们来说,奉献比索取更为重要 。
15、2. 接待;会客:例句: Mr White receives on Wednesdays and Thursdays only.怀特先生只在星期三、四会见客人 。
16、3. 接收(无线电、电视等)4. 【体育】接发球5. 【宗教】领圣餐 。
【receive receiver是什么设备】本文到此分享完毕,希望对大家有所帮助 。
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