

说起环境资源保护,你有没有想到过度包装也会给环境和资源带来* 。
昨天我在报纸上看到一条* , 我国将*相关办法 , 从明年开始彻底刹住月饼过度包装的现象 。我们大家可能都有体会,中秋节的时候,我们吃的月饼一盒盒包装精美,外面一个漂亮的手提袋,里面一个精美的包装盒,打开包装盒,里面的月饼一个个还有*的小包装盒或者小包装袋 。外面看起来一大盒,打开来也就是几个小小的月饼,占不到盒子的六分之一 。过度的包装不但是对资源的浪费,也是对环境的污染 。我们知道造纸需要木材,纸浆需求量的猛增是木材消费增长的原因之一 。全国年造纸消耗木材1000万立方米,进口木浆130多万吨,进口纸张400多万吨,这要砍代多少树木?。≈秸诺拇罅肯巡唤鲈斐缮只倩?,而且因生产纸浆排放污水使*的自觉行为,形成节约资源和保护环境的生活方式 。

No one in China has failed to notice that goods are wrapped(包装)in fla*ng (华美的,花哨的)boxes or bags. Taking a look a*und,we can find examples with ease:a s*ll com*r is packed in a thick and heavy(又厚又重)carton,clothes are putted in a well-desi*ed plastic bags(塑料袋)which p*nted va*ous kinds of patterns and colors and so on.
What are the c*ses of this p*blem? On the one hand, in order to earn * economic gains(经济收益), a considerable number of (很多)*nufact*es usually wrap their p*ducts with unnecessary but appealing (吸引人的)*te*als aiming at attracting customer’s attention , a*using their c*iosity and then stimulating their p*chasing desire (吸引顾客的注意力并引发他们的好奇心) 。On the other hand, quite a few customers beli* that the * delicate the package seems,the supe*or the quality will be(包装越精美,产品质量就越好),the notion has also enco*aged the trend of excessive packaging. How*r, the emergence of excessive package(过度包装) has given *se to(导致)*ny undesirable consequences that can’t be neglected (不容忽视) 。For one thing,it is a waste of precious and limited nat*al reso*ces,which will thus pose underlying (潜在的) threat to o* offsp*ng generation(子孙后代) 。For another, customers are often deceived by artificial external packing rather than being p*vided with high-quality goods .
To change this situation, I think we should take the followin*eas*es. First, laws must be *de and implemented to impose rest*ction on (实行限制) excessive packaging. Second, a public education campai* should be l*nched to a*use customers’ consciousness (意识) that packaging doesn’t equal to quality, and also let them know the bad impact of it. Only in this way can we put an end to this trend (结束这种趋势) 。

过度包装的故事,相信大家都不陌生 。然而,今年中秋节 , 这个故事又演绎了一番现实版 。
嘿!今年家里中秋节的月饼包装还真漂亮:四四方方的一个大红盒 , 周边被勾勒上了朵朵姿态妖娆的牡丹 , 还有青翠欲滴的绿叶衬托着,正中方是两个可爱的衣着古装的小童 。上方还镂空了一个半寸大小颇有古韵的小窗呢!“让我们打开它吧!”*走过来对我说 。我满心欢喜的动手了,先打开外盒,取出内层;又掀开内盒的 盖 子,是一个长方形状的盒子中间躺着六个小巧玲珑的小盒子 。我满怀疑惑的拿出一个小盒,接着打开它,又是一层塑料包装纸……好容易将它剥去层层外衣取出来时,结果却令我大跌眼镜:仅仅是一个小小的月饼 。
这般过度包装的月饼,不就意味着消费者要花大把的钱去买一大堆废纸吗?据新华网报道 , 一位上海市民所购六盒月饼礼盒中的全部月饼装不满其中一只盒子 。《北京晚报》调查显示,某些市售月饼礼盒的包装盒价格占总价的90%,而月饼仅占 10%……真的是月饼包装,年年都在“装”啊 。
中秋月饼过度包装不仅意味着消费者要花钱买废纸,更意味着包装物生产加工过程中的巨量资源消耗和由此所带来的严重环境污染 。据不完全统计,全国每年包装物垃圾总价值竟高达4000亿元 。这样大量的包装物 , 生产加工时又要消耗多少资源能源 , 产生多少污染呢?
更何况,月饼内外包装盒在加工过程中通常会使用有毒重金属和溶于蒸发性有毒有机物的粘合剂 。宏观的资源环境负面效应,加之对消费者健康的直接危害,如此包装真的不好!
【商品过度包装的作文】*前 , 楚人买椟还珠而被后人耻笑至今 。那么 , 如今我们为中秋月饼镶金带玉——是否也会成为*后可笑的典故呢?
