中英文 毕业证明范本格式

学生____,*别男 , ________年____月____*生 , 于________年____月-----________年____月在*校________专业四年制*科学*学教务处
Certificate of Graduation*
Student **,*le,be born on ***月* **th***,****年*,study at the Four-year full time undergraduate p*gram of the school f*m ***月*,***年*to ***月*,***年*.Finish all the presc*pt courses of the teaching plan with score qualified.Allow to graduate and get the Bachelor of Science in the Public.Certificate No.*****.Degree Certificate No.***.
pateat universis per praesentes*特此证明*
***university registrars
***月* **th***,****年*
***,学**** , *别** ,** ** ,系我校*科学与工程学院 ***专业2010届应届*科毕业生 。根据《**大学学分制学生学籍*规定》和《**大学学士学位授予细则》,该生已修课程成绩,符合授予学士学位条件要求 。
特此证明 。
***, *** Student ID, gender, ** ID number **, Department of our school of Infor*tion Science and Enginee*ng *** P*fessional 2010 session of the fresh graduates. According to "** college student credit student status **ment regulations" and "Rules ** a bachelor"s degree awarded," courses the student has success, consistent with the conditions required to grant a bachelor"s degree.
Hereby certify that.
【中英文 毕业证明范本格式】** University of Registry
