英文阿甘正传的影评作文怎么写? 英文阿甘正传的影评作文分享

英文阿甘正传的影评作文怎么写? 英文阿甘正传的影评作文分享

高分英语作文1:Film review of Forrest Gump Forrest Gump is perhaps one of the greatest movies *r *de. If not the best, I think Forrest Gump is a movie that *ryone must see before he *s. It is so touching, but it has a good mixture of sadness, happiness, comedy, *rything I can ask for in a movie, and some people don"t *n realize it How great the movie is, it"s popular with people and c*ti*, but it still hasn"t received the praise it deserves.
Tom Hanks played Forrest Gump perfectly. I can"t see anyone else talking about acting in this *le. Every actor and actress has a*zing perfor*nces.
All the perfor*nces are wonderful. Forrest Gump will always be my favo*te, i Recommend it to people who haven"t seen it.
《阿甘正传》也许是有史以来最伟大**之一,如果不是最好*话,我觉得《阿甘正传》几乎所有*时间都是一部每个人在死前都必须看**,它是如此感人 , 只是有一个很好*混合了悲伤,快乐,喜剧,我在一部*中所能要求*一切,有些人甚至没有意识到这部*有多伟大,它受到人们和评论家*普遍喜爱,但它仍然没有得到应有*赞誉汤姆·汉克斯完美地扮演了阿甘这个角*我看不到其他人在这个角*中谈到表演,每一个演员和女演员都有惊人*表演,所有*表演都很精彩《阿甘正传》将永远是我*最爱 , 我把它推荐给没看过它*人 。
万能作文模板2:《阿甘正传》影评 【英文阿甘正传的影评作文怎么写? 英文阿甘正传的影评作文分享】 Last night, I saw a great movie Forrest Gump, which *de a deep impression on me. Forrest Gump was born in a s*ll village, he was born in a s*ll village of mental retardation, he was disc*minated against by others, but his mother is a st*ng wo*n, she encouraged Forrest Gump to be st*ng and live like nor*l people. In addition, he met Jennie, a mother and Jennie"s love, Forrest Gump be* his life of running.
I was moved by his st*ng will, kindness and optimi*. There are *ny *acles in his life, which are impossible to him, but I know it is reasonable bec*se he has won them with his noble personality.
昨晚,我看了一部很棒**《阿甘正传》,这部*给我留下了深刻*印象 。阿甘出生在一个小村庄,他出生在一个*小村庄里,他被别人歧视,但他**是一个坚强*女*,她鼓励阿甘坚强,和正常人一样生活 。此外,他遇到了珍妮,一个在*和珍妮*爱下,阿甘开始了他一生*奔跑 。
我被他*坚强意志、善良和乐观所感动 。他一生中有许多奇迹,在他看来是不可能* , 但我知道这是合理*,因为他用高尚*人格赢得了这些奇迹 。
满分英语范文3:阿甘正传*影评Forrest Gump"s intelce quotient is very low, *n in his g*wth p*cess, he also has the lovable childishness. Forrest Gump"s mother loves him very much. In order to ensure the best education for his children, she sleeps with the head.
It is a *acle that he no longer needs to wear braces for his legs. As a child"s girlf*end, he has been loyal to him and won a medal in the Vietnam War. In general, he tends to change *rything that happens to him well.
I don"t know what the movie is trying to say f*m one angle, which means that intelce *measured by the general concept of intelce and "intelce"* is a very unnecessary feature, but I think we can go beyond that and say that childlike innocence can be regarded as stupid and has its rewards th*ughout the film, but Forrest Gump has n*r been harassed by others Angry *except, of course, when his girl Jennie was abused*, he was not completely stupid, *n though he was portrayed like this, bec*se he could assemble guns at high speed, run like crazy, play table tennis like a *d*n, and so on. In fact, Forrest Gump is not angry. I think this is the reason why he is satiied with becoming a milli*e, but he gives most of his money He, he is honest and open, which, coupled with his Alaba* accent, *kes him like the **nce very much, but after a while, it"s bo*ng *especially after work, I think the film is too long, but it"s the only negative thing I want to say, Forrest Gump and *ny celeb*ties over the past half century, including Presley and Nixon, thanks to calculation General Dan didn"t really lose his legs, he was wiped out, and then he used a com*r graphi* p*gram to decorate the backg*und.
Forrest Gump is responsible for Presley"s *tation, which is a good illustration of the motivation of the film. Forrest Gump is in sharp contrast to famous movies. Men are idols in today"s society *in some cases*, by contrast, he seems to live better: Forrest Gump"s choices in life seem to determine his kindness *he went to Vietnam and kept his p*mise*( "Commitment is commitment."*.
阿甘*智商很低,即使在他成长*过程中,他也有着可爱*孩子气 。阿甘**非常爱他,为了确保孩子接受最好*教育 , 她和校长睡在一起 , 这是一个奇迹**事件,让他不再需要为自己*腿戴牙套,一个儿时*女友他一直对他忠心耿耿,在越南战争中获得了一枚奖章 , 而且,总*来说 , 他倾向于把发生在他身上*每件事都变成好* 。我不知道这部*试图从一个角度说什么,这意味着智力(通过智商和“聪明”*一般概念来衡量)是一个非常不必要*特征 , 但我认为我们可以超越这一点,说孩子般*纯真,可以被认为是愚蠢*,在整个*中都有它*回报,阿甘在被别人扰*情况下却从不生气(当然,当他*女孩珍妮待时除外),他确实不是完全愚蠢*,甚至虽然他被描绘成这样,因为他可以高速组装,疯狂地奔跑 , 像疯子一样打乒乓球,等等事实上,阿甘并不生气,我想,这是让他满足于成为百万富翁*原因,但他把大部分*钱都给了他,他是诚实和开放*,这加上他*巴马口音,使他很喜欢观众们 , 但过了一段时间后,这会让人厌烦(尤其是在下班后,我觉得这部*太长了,但这是我唯一要说*消极*事情 , 阿甘和许多名人在过去*半个世纪,包括猫王普雷斯利和,多亏了计算机技术(丹将军并不是真*失去了双腿,而是被抹掉了,然后用计算机图形程序对背景进行了修饰 。
阿甘是如何对普雷斯利*旋转负责* , 这一点很好地说明了这部**动机,阿甘和著名**形成了鲜明对比男* , 在当今社会中是偶像(在某些情况下),相比之下 , 他似乎过得更好:阿甘在生活中*选择似乎决定了他*善良(他去了越南,遵守了他*承诺(“承诺就是承诺”) 。
