iptg诱导原理 iptg诱导表达原理

【iptg诱导原理 iptg诱导表达原理】

iptg诱导原理 iptg诱导表达原理

大家好,小问来为大家解答以上问题 。iptg诱导表达原理,iptg诱导原理这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!
1、Binding of the repressor-IPTG complex to the operator can be studied by using greater concentrations of the protein in the methylation protection/enhancement assay. The large amount compensates for the low affinity of the repressor-IPTG complex for the operator. The complex makes exactly the same pattern of contacts with DNA as the free repressor. An analogous result is obtained with mutant repressors whose affinity for operator DNA is increased; they too make the same pattern of contacts. 。
以上就是【iptg诱导表达原理,iptg诱导原理】相关内容 。
