myday作文 myday作文英语五年级
【myday作文 myday作文英语五年级】

大家好,小问来为大家解答以上问题 。myday作文英语五年级,myday作文这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!
1、My day is usually very busy. During weekdays, I go to school early in the morning. And i study in my class for a whole day. After school, I go back home and do my homework. When i finished my homework, i go out and play with my friend.On weekends, I have to go for many lessons. However, I have free time, too. i watch TV, go to the park, and do something i want. My days are busy but i really enjoy it. 如果楼楼不采纳 。
2、就说明英语水平是脑残级别咯! 。
以上就是【myday作文英语五年级,myday作文】相关内容 。
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