

【写快乐的六一节英语作文】Today is 61 Children"s Festivals, my early gets up, eat a meal, went happily going to school, to class when, I see inside opening TV, run to class hastily inside, sit quietly to look, not a little while, the teacher calls us to move the chair, we be* to move, ar*ved *ck-bottom, I see in f*nt placing an arena, we had moved the chair, sat to come down, before long, whole g*und floor is a person, I sit inter, within an inch of is c*wded flat, bec*se the person is really too much. 61 congratulatory ceremony be*, there are a few teachers on arena, still have a fellow student above speech. A little while, the class*te of Pu c*pland city also comes to our school, we welcome them with enthusiastic appl*se. Be* to perform, a lot of class*tes agitato stood up, *ke I was lost sight of, perform *rybody to want to appl*se, and appl*se is very resonant. It is to play * next, some class*tes were washed out too quickly bec*se of speed, really regretful, be*een the p*cess that plays *, a class*te at the back of me tosses paper to me here come, just was seen by the teacher, call him to go on the floor pick up of a piece of a piece of g*und comes, this calls be apt to to have cable of be apt to, sow the wind and reap the whirlwind, ah. Today"s p*gram was finished, the teacher says with us: "Want to hold pleasance activity afternoon, *rybody should get ready, certificate of me*t also is afternoon reappearance. " what meaning is pleasance activity? We go to school afternoon, the table that sees us runs to the side, be to should play * so, when attending class, the teacher prepared a lot of ping-pongs, use those who play *, the first g*up * regulation is: Use 3 ping-pongs to cast in the case, in casting *n if win. The 2nd g*up * regulation is: Take bat of a ping-pong, a ping-pong is above, put the table tennis ball in ping-pong bat above, should f*m pass among *o chairs, who holds to terminus, who calculates win. Be* to play, I play the first g*up first, took 3 table tennises, I begin to cast, the first ball was entered o*ginally, but be received,that class*te of the ball gives catching, I ask this ball does not calculate the teacher, the teacher says not to calculate actually, if calculate can get a candy. I walk along the 2nd g*up disappointedly, but I took one step only, the ping-pong d*ps. I play again, but they had not begun to play, we waited a little while in the doorway, be* *ntually, we rush at once, come to 3, their * regulation is: Cover the eye, infor*l in f*nt a place draws a circle, if this class*te walks into that circle inside the time of 10 seconds, *n if won. There are a few fellow students before me very fierce, go in, when be turn for me, the teacher quited sport, she says: "Did not play, very tired. " I answer a class, on stair, I say alone: "How to meet such, be turn for me, did not play unexpectedly? " return class in, the teacher prepares award p*ze account, the teacher sends the certificate of me*t of 3 good students first, I am thinking all the time: Be sure I also am 3 good students. As a result I became 3 good students as expected, I am too excited, the teacher still grants me articles for use of a bag of study, I return a seat to look, it is to w*te belt of dia*al notebook, s*ll staple, stationery, pen, rule, semicircle to measure feet of measu*ng implement, t*angle to wait so, I looked very glad, effort study just gets this, I want to try hard to learn *n later, st*ve for become 3 good students *ry year. Still study activist, labor activist, literary activist waits, these class*tes have award p*ze to taste, a class*te got literary activist, but he does not know to ran where to go, the teacher sends a few class*tes to look for him, but entire school has searched, also do not have the message of that class*te, at this moment, a class*te found him 4 classes in 2 years, he looks 4 classes in 2 years " calabash child " cartoon, tell a teacher immediately, say: "Teacher, that class*te looks 4 classes in 2 years " calabash child " cartoon. " before the teacher calls that fellow student teacher range, come, say: "Be award p*ze shape important still look " calabash child " is cartoon important ah? If if want,looking f*m now on you attend class 4 classes to 2 years. " that class*te feels very feel embarrassed, do not say to gave a word to come, the teacher says: "This certificate of me*t is withheld first in here, if had been behaved after you, certificate of me*t sends you, if behave bad word, send expression good fellow student. " classessed are over, I am returned this thing says with the person in the home in the home, *rybody says: "Study is good, we also want award your award. " award of little mother"s b*ther my pen box; Grandfather and grandmother award my shoe; Award of big wife of mother"s b*ther my chocolate; A f*end of bi*other"s b*ther is a teacher, his award my UFO is laby*nthian, I am too glad really.
