分享10个能发朋友圈的情人节文案 可以发朋友圈的情人节文案有哪些?

1.谢谢你撑到我找到你 。
Thanks for holding on until I find you.
2.欲望本该像野马 , 可我只想要你 。
Desire should be like a wild horse, but All I want is you.
3.再等等 , 山南水北 , 我一定陪你去 。
Wait a minute, I will accompany you.
4.回首亘年漫月里的所有怦然心动 , 你仍拔得头筹 。
Looking back at all the heartache of the years, you still get the top prize.
5.我想变得有趣 , 变得特别 , 变成你眼里的一点星光 。
I want to be interesting, to be special, to be a little star in your eyes.
6.我这个人啊 , 满身阴暗 , 还总想着给你一点阳光 。
I am a person, covered with darkness, but also always want to give you a little sunshine.
7.铃铛遇到风会响 , 我遇到你 , 心里的小鹿会乱撞 。
The bell will ring in the wind, I met you, the heart of the fawn will bump.
8.多希望你知道我并不酒脱 , 然后告诉我 , 你也很想我 。
I wish you knew That I don't drink, and then tell me that you miss me, too.
9.世界没有你想象的那么坏 , 你过来 , 来我身边 , 我抱你 。
The world is not as bad as you think, you come here, come to me, I hold you.
10.遇见你之后 , 我数学的草稿纸上面 , 写满了你的名字 。
【分享10个能发朋友圈的情人节文案 可以发朋友圈的情人节文案有哪些?】After I met you, I wrote your name all over my math scratch paper.
