
这个月的最后一天就是跨年了, 迎接2021年你准备好了吗?下面分享给大家2021跨年文案可以用来发朋友圈哦!一起来看看吧!



不好的都走开, 好运都会来~
All bad things go away, good luCK will come~
新的一年, 平安喜乐, 健康顺遂 。
New year, peace and happiness, health and smooth.
新的一年只求大吉大利, 有钱又顺利~
The new year is just for good luck, money and success~
【2021跨年文案,适合发朋友圈的跨年说说】 愿你所拥有的皆为你喜欢, 愿你得不到的都能释怀 。
I wish you all you like, and wish you can let go of what you can't get.
保持着一份热爱, 继续奔赴山海 。
Keep a love, continue to go to the mountains and seas.


在自己的热爱中长大, 顺顺当当 。
Grow up in your love and be smooth.
愿你情真意切, 愿你永不回头 。
May you be sincere and never look back.
愿你美丽, 善良, 大方, 温柔, 也勇猛 。
May you be beautiful, kind, generous, gentle and brave.
前途似海, 来日方长.前途似海, 来日方长 。
The future is like the sea, and the future is long.
Everything that follows is brand new~
只求生活温暖, 身体健康, 家人安康, 万事无恙 。
We just want to live a warm life, good health, and good health for our families.


跨年的愿望不说出来, 不然就不灵啦~
If you don't say it, it won't work~
别频繁的回头, 大步向前走~
Don't look back too often and stride forward~
可以安静的时候看书, 热闹的时候疯狂的彻底, 想吃就吃, 想喝就喝, 没有顾忌, 全是洒脱~
Can be quiet when reading, lively time crazy thoroughly, want to eat, want to drink, no scruples, all free and easy~
过去的都是尘埃, 未来才是最好的存在, 我的未来, 我来啦~
The past is dust, the future is the best existence, my future, I come~
