用英语介绍重阳节的起源和习俗 重阳节用英语怎么说( 三 )

菊花酒的酿造十分独特 。 古时, 人们在九月九日采摘新鲜的菊花和菊花叶, 然后把它们和谷粒一起酿制成酒 。 等到来年的同一时候再打开品尝 。 据说, 菊花酒具有清神明目, 减肥降血压, 治疗胃病的功效 。 因此, 可以饮菊花酒可以使人长寿 。 另外, 饮菊花酒还有驱邪抗寒的效用 。

用英语介绍重阳节的起源和习俗 重阳节用英语怎么说


六、Wearing Dogwood 插茱萸
The dogwood is a species of evergreen arbor; it is heavy-scented plant whose fruit is edible and stock and leaves can be medicinal materials. They can expel insects, get rid of the humidity, help digestion and cure inner heat. It puts out purple flowers in spring and bears, in autumn, purplish-brown fruit that is sour, puckery and mild in nature.
茱萸为长青乔木 。 该植物具有浓香, 它的果实可食用或干存 。 它的叶子可以用作药材 。 茱萸具有驱虫去湿, 助消化去内热的功效 。 春季它开紫色的花, 然后开始孕育果实 。 到了秋天, 就结出了紫褐色, 味酸, 带皱, 质感柔软的果实 。
用英语介绍重阳节的起源和习俗 重阳节用英语怎么说


七、 Flying a paper crane(放纸鸢)
Paper crane is just kite. According to our traditions and customs, flying kites usually happen at the Qing Ming Festival. But Tomb Sweeping Festival is during the rainy season which obviously is not suit for flying a kite, while Double Ninth Day owns clear autumn sky and crisp air making kite flying a best outdoor activity.
纸鸢类似于风筝 。 据中国传统习俗, 人们通常在清明节放风筝 。 但每逢清明, 也是雨纷纷的时节, 因而并不适合放风筝 。 相比之下, 重阳节这天, 秋高气爽, 最适合户外放风筝 。
用英语介绍重阳节的起源和习俗 重阳节用英语怎么说


Poem Appreciation诗 歌 赏 析
每逢佳节倍思亲 。
遍插茱萸少一人 。
用英语介绍重阳节的起源和习俗 重阳节用英语怎么说


Double Ninth, Missing My Shandong Brothers
(by Wang Wei in Tang Dynasty)
As a lonely stranger in a foreign land,
At every holiday my homesickness increases.
Far away, I know my brothers have reached the peak;
They are wearing the Zhuyu, but one is not present.
As a lonely stranger in the strange land,
Every holiday the homesickness amplifies.
Knowing that my brothers have reached the peak,
All but one is present at the planting of zhuyu.
自古有许多故事和重阳节相关, 比如李清照的《醉花阴》, 孟浩然的《过故人庄》以及王勃的《蜀中九日》等 。 王维的这首诗可谓是大家最耳熟能详的 。 此诗写出了游子的思乡怀亲之情 。 诗一开头便紧切题目, 写异乡异土生活的孤独凄然, 因而时时怀乡思人, 遇到佳节良辰, 思念倍加 。 接着诗一跃而写远在家乡的兄弟, 按照重阳节的风俗而登高时, 也在怀念自己 。 诗意反复跳跃, 含蓄深沉, 既朴素自然, 又曲折有致 。 其中“每逢佳节倍思亲”更是千古名句 。
