分享16句英文文案 英文文案有哪些?

1.Across the river of stars and across the moon to meet a better self.
跨过星河迈过月亮 , 去迎接更好的自己 。
2.You come against the light world of all the beauty in the world.
你逆光而来 , 配得上这世间所有的美好 。
3.It's worth traversing the mountains and rivers.
遍历山河 , 人间值得 。
4.For you a thousand times over.
为你 千千万万遍 。
【分享16句英文文案 英文文案有哪些?】5.You come to me through mountains andrivers more than all the distant tenderness.
你经历山河走向我 , 胜过所有遥远的温柔 。
6.I carry the star to give you,still think the sky star is not as good as you.
我携满天星辰以赠你 。
7.Mountains and rivers meet each other all the time.
山水总相逢 , 来日皆可期 。
8.May i be happy all my life,beyond the reach of the world.
愿我一生欢喜 , 不为世俗所及 。
9.Everything in the world is better than one you.
人间万物 , 不如你一个 。
10.If you go straight ahead,you can bump into the candy from life.
一直往前走就能迎面撞上生活送来的糖 。
11.I love three things in this world.sun,moon,and you.sun for morning,moon for night,and you forever.
予独爱世间三物 。 昼之日 , 夜之月 , 汝之永恒 。
12.If you are fine,the sun will always shine.
你若安好 , 便是晴天 。
13.I like you better than yesterday,a little less Ming Dynasty.
我喜欢你 , 胜于昨日 , 略匮明朝 。
14.Regardless of the outcome,i have been very grateful to meet.
不论结局 , 我已经很感谢相遇 。
15.Don't ask about the rivers and lakes,don't sak about the way home,just want to be with you.
不问江湖 , 不问归途 , 只想与你为伍 。
16.All beings in this world are lonely,it is to blame that they have not seen you.
这世间众生皆孤寂 , 应怪众生未见你 。
