
1、我想送你一支口红,但是你以后每天都要还我一点 。
I want to give you a lipstick, but you have to give me some back every day.
2、我想你看看我这一句话的前三个字 。
I want you to look at the first three words of my sentence.
3、我听过最动人的一句情话是:“我之前没有爱过别人,你是我爱的第一个,我怕我哪里做得不够好,让你觉得爱情也不过如此” 。
I have heard the most touching love words is: "I have never loved anyone before, you are the first I love, I am afraid where I do not do well enough, let you think love is just so."
4、在遇见你之前我从来没想过结婚这件事情,但是自从遇见你之后,结婚这件事情,我从来没想过别人 。
I never thought about getting married before I met you, but since I met you, I never thought about getting married.
5、知道我为什么喜欢长发的你吗?因为这样我就能拥有你多一点 。
Do you know why I like you with long hair? Because then I can have more of you.
6、我们一起来抛个硬币吧,如果正面朝上的话就代表我们在一起,如果是反面朝上的话,那我就把他翻过来 。
【适合男生向女生表白的情话】Let's flip a coin, if heads means we are together, if tails, then I will turn him over.
7、要是对的人都能够晚一点遇见就好了,因为那个时候等我们足够成熟了,那就再也不会莫名其妙地分开了 。
If the right people can meet a little later, because at that time, when we are mature enough, it will never inexplicably separate.



8、我们之间所有的矛盾都来源于喜欢在乎,要是不喜欢不在乎,就不会生那么多气了 。
All the contradictions between us from like to care, if don't like don't care, we won't be so angry.
I think the girlfriend of three words stroke is too much, in the simple principle, I can "girlfriend" into "wife"?
10、虽然生活不如你意,但是希望我如你意 。
Although life is not as good as you want, but I hope I am.
11、如果要问我喜欢你到什么程度,那我告诉你,我所走过的地方,就连旁边的花儿都会跟着痴情 。
If you want to ask me how much I like you, Then I tell you, Where I have walked, even next to the flowers will follow infatuation.
12、傻瓜,既然你这么傻了,那就别去祸害别人了,我愿意牺牲我一个人,幸福全人类 。
Fool, since you are so stupid, then don't go to harm others, I am willing to sacrifice me as a person, happiness of all mankind.
13、我想问问你今天几号了,其实也没别的什么意思,就是想提醒一下你,是不是到了喜欢我的时候了 。
I want to ask you what date today, in fact, there is no other meaning, just want to remind you, is it time to like me.
14、每当我在漫漫长夜中想到你的时候,温暖总会涌入心头,我真的好怕,再也遇不到第二个你了,因为余生太长,我怕自己孤单一人 。
Whenever I think of you in the long night, the warmth will always pour into my heart, I am really afraid that I will never meet the second you, because the rest of my life is too long, I am afraid of being alone.
15、都怪我的眼睛藏不住什么心事,因为一提到你的名字,我的眼睛就会温柔泛滥 。
Blame my eyes can not hide anything, because a mention of your name, my eyes will be gentle flood.
