suppose的用法和搭配 suppose的用法

动词suppose意思是“假定,认为,想象,需要……条件”suppose后直接跟宾语 。比如: An invention supposes an inventor.要有发明,必须先有发明者 。再比如:Let us suppose another war.让我们假定再来一场战争吧 。
suppose可以跟that引导的从句,表示“认为,猜想”,从句用将来时或一般现在时(表示将来要发生的动作) 。比如:I suppose that you will be there.我猜想你会到那里去的 。再比如:I suppose it rains tomorrow.我猜想明天会下雨 。
suppose也可以用在祈使句中 。比如:Suppose your mother saw you now.假如现在你妈妈看见你呢 。

suppose的用法和搭配  suppose的用法

suppose的另外一种用法是suppose后面跟that引导的从句,从句中要用将来时态,表示“想,认为” 。比如:I suppose that he will be here at nine.我想他9:00会来 。
suppose+that+真实条件句,表示“假如,如果”,suppose是从属连词,不是动词 。可表示提出建议或请求,也可表示某种“假定” 。比如:Suppose I were di *** issed, what should I do?假如我被解雇了,该怎么办呢?Suppose it rains, what shall we do?假如下雨,我们怎么办?
另外一个需要掌握的句型是suppose***or sth+动词不定式 。比如:I suppose him to be about fifty.我猜想他50岁左右 。再比如:They supposed the box to contain gold.他们猜想那个匣子装着金子 。
suppose的用法和搭配  suppose的用法

另外一个常考为结构为:be supposed to do sth.这个结构是个被动形式,其中的to是动词不定式符号,后面要跟动词原形 。句子的主语可以是人,也可以是物 。当人做主语时,它的意思是“应该;被期望;有义务做”表示劝告、建议、义务、责任等 。当物做主语时,表示“本应;本该”,多指某事本应该发生而没有发生 。比如:
suppose的用法和搭配  suppose的用法

We are supposed to start work tomorrow every morning.我们理应明早开始工作 。The plane was supposed to take off twenty minutes ago.飞机应该在二十分钟之前起飞 。Everyone is supposed to bring a bottle to the party.每个人都应该带一瓶酒参加宴会 。请看一个考题:
They_____to meet at the school gate at six o'clock in the morning.A. will suppose B. are supposed C. supposed D. should be supposed题句的意思是:他们要在早晨六点钟在校门口 ***。这里选B,用be supposed to结构,后面跟原形动词meet 。
suppose的用法和搭配  suppose的用法

另外suppose延伸出来的supposing这个词,是从属连词,意思是“倘若,假使”,后面可以跟句子 。比如:Supposing (that) you are wrong, what will you do then?假设你错了,那你会怎么办?
Objections to this plan -- supposing there should be any-- must be made directly.对这个计划的反对意见——假使有的话——,请马上提出 。原句将supposing there should be any插在句子中间了 。
