英文逗号 怎么在文本文档里输入英文逗号?

不是输入法的事英文逗号!而是格式的事 , 点格式-格式与样式-清除格式 , 然后改成你所需要的!

英文逗号 怎么在文本文档里输入英文逗号?

按:Ctrl + 空格 , 将输入方法切换到英文方式 , 或将全角中文标点“ ,  。;”改成半角方式”. ;” 。
3楼说的对 , 粘贴过来的符号都不行的话 , 就是格式问题 , 不是输入法的事 。顶 。。。。。3楼的兄弟!
看一下你的输入法 , 是否使用了中文输入法 , 如果处于系统默认英文输入状态 , 肯定是英文逗号 。例如用微软拼音的话 , 如果处于英文输入情况下应该就是英文逗号 , 如果不能输入 , 看下右下角的输入法菜单上会有标点符号中英文切换 。中英文逗号的切换关键看你的输入法怎么切换 。
题主问的很好 , 像连词就可以连接两个句子 , 逗号“ , ”这个标点符号也可以连接两个句子 。
本文转载自公众号“高斋翻译学堂” , 希望对你有用 。
 ,  Comma(逗号)
We are tired, hungry and dilate. /Washington was said to be first in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen. /We were taught how to sit gracefully, how to walk. how to converse politely.
It snowed all night, and the schools were closed the next day. / We must leave now, or we will miss the plane. / I tried to sleep, but my neighbour’s dog made that impossible. /It is an imperfect system,yet it is better than none.
He is sick, not drunk. /The more haste, the less speed.
He found the Paper on the roof, where the newsboy had thrown it. The the who had cared through the window, went straight to the safe. /They want us, you and me, to go there. /I have to get up early, particularly on Sundays.
Tom didn’t take it, did he? / Which pencil do you prefer. the red one or the blue one?
Only a fool. “Sherman said, ” would carry on like that.
Some went to the right; others, to the left.
8. 分隔句首状语
Usually, he is dressed in blue jeans. / Except for physics, my courses are not difficult. /When he found that his parents had deserted him, he sat down to cry.
9 , 常用以分隔用作独立成分、状语等的下列词语
Honestly, that’s all the money I have. /Personally, I prefer the other one. /Unfortunately, they were out when I called. /To tell you the truth, I was very frightened
1) actually, basically, briefly fortunately,frankly, honestly, hopefully, incidentally,luckily, naturally, personally, unfortunately, to tell the truth
2) anyhow, anyway, besides, consequent,furthermore, however, likewise, moreover, nevertheless, otherwise, therefore;
3)first(ly), second(ly ), last(ly), finally,first of all. after all, above all, in other words, for example, for instance, that is,namely, i.e., e. g.
4)in short, in fact, in conclusion, in a few words, as a result, as a matter of fact, on the contrary, on the other hand;
5) of course, by the way, sure enough, between you and me, believe it or not;
6)I think, I believe, I suppose, you know,you see, In my opinion;
7)yes, no, well, oh
Anyhow, even if the problem does arise, it wont affect us. /I don’t want to go; besides, I’m too tired. /This is, however, another side to this problem.
This is our most disastrous and embarrassing defeat eve: in short, a fiasco. /I don’t like him, in fact,I hate him. /On the contrary, it hardly ever rains.
It’s strange, you know, that he hasn’t passed the exam. /In my opinion, he is right.
Yes, times have changed. /Well, not much can be done about it now. /Oh, David, come here a moment! /Oh no, not again!
Firstly, let me deal with the most important difficulty. /The cinema is only open to adults, i. e.,people over 18.
June 12, 1991/It was on Friday, May 16, in Los Angeles. /The price of this sedan car is $12,300./He lives at 1515 Halsted Street.Chicago, Illinois.
I asked my boss for a month’s holiday and, believe it or not, he agreed! /By the way, have you seen Tom recently?
R W. Leeds, M. D. /George Washington, President/Smith, John W., Jr.
I would like to ask you, Mr. Jones, for your opinion. /Will you see if the door is closed, Janet? /Sir,I’d like to ask a question.
