
英语书面语语法和口语法不大一律,是进修者简单忽略和感触迷惑的场合 。一道来看看底下五个语法重心吧 。
1.书面语中的句子构造It’s difficult, the exam.
非正式书面语中的语法在某些上面与口语法各别 。句子常常不那么搀杂,运用的连词品种更少,也更大略 。
While the hotel was of quite a high standard, the food was disappointing.
The hotel was quite good, but the food was disappointing.
消息常常不妨划分,以一条一条的情势表露——句子并非老是按照主语—谓语—宾语的语序 。
They work very hard, the students.
2.简略句子发端Must dash.
在非正式书面语中,常常简略非复读的句子发端 。
简略的主假如冠词、主人代词、人称代词、助动词和be动词、引导词和启发性的there is句型 。
Car’s running badly. (=The car’s…)
Shoelace is undone. (=My shoelace…)
Forgotten the umbrella again. (=He’s forgotten…)
【包含dashgirl的词条】You talking to me? (=Are you talking…?)
She ready? (=Is she ready?)
Must dash. (=I must dash.)
Won’t work. (=It won’t work)
Be four pounds fifty. (=That’ll be…)
No reason to panic. (= There’s no reason…)
3.简略助动词后的用语“Get up!” “I am!”
在非正式书面语中,常常只用助动词,而不反复较长的表白 。
—Get up!—I am. (=I am getting up.)
He said he’d write to me, but he hasn’t. (=…he hasn’t written to me.)
—Talk louder.—I would if I could, but I can’t.
即使没有可反复的助动词,则用 do 。
She said she would phone, and she did.
4.附加疑义句It's cold, isn't it?
在书面语或非正式口语中,附加疑义句(question tag)常用来句尾,用来确认某事能否属实,或包括对方承诺 。
You haven’t seen Joe, have you?
This tea isn’t very nice, is it?
否认的附加疑义句常常用缩写情势,如 isn’t it(常常不说 is it not?)在附加疑义句中,am I not 的缩写情势是 aren’t I?
Nice day, isn’t it?
I’m late, aren’t I?
答语疑义句(reply question)的形成为助动词+代词(与附加疑义句一致),表白关心、爱好或诧异 。
—We had a lovely holiday.
—Did you?
—Yes, we went…
—John likes that girl next door.—Oh, does he?
—It was a terrible party.
—Was it?


用否认的答语疑义句往返答确定句,表白巩固赞许的口气 。
—It was a lovely concert.—Yes, wasn’t it! I did enjoy it.
—She’s lost a lot of weight.—Yes, hasn’t she?
