
很多朋友对于触不可及开头欢快音乐和触不可及开头的音乐是什么不太懂 , 今天就由小编来为大家分享 , 希望可以帮助到大家 , 下面一起来看看吧!
1《触不可及》1:18:45开始的那段音乐叫什么?你说的是不是菲利普在餐厅里面等女笔友 , 很害怕 , 给黑人德瑞斯打 *** 说要出去散心的那一段啊?
那是Ludovico Einaudi 的《Una mattina》  , 网上可以搜得到的 。
2求《触不可及》片头曲名字 。歌曲: September(《触不可及》片头曲)
歌手: Daughtry
专辑: 《September》
Daughtry - September
How the time passed away
All the trouble that we gave
And all those days we spent out by the lake
Has it all gone to waste?
All the promises we made,
One by one they vanish just the same.
Of all the things I still remember
Summer's never looked the same
The years go by and time just seems to fly by
But the memories remain.
In the middle of September
We'd still play out in the rain
Nothing to lose but everything to gain
Reflecting now on how things could've been
It was worth it in the end
Now it all seems so clear,
There's nothing left to fear
So we made our way by finding what was real
Now the days are so long
That summer's moving on
We reach for something that's already gone yeah
Of all the things I remember
Summer's never looked the same
The year's go by and time just seems to fly by
But the memories remain.
In the middle of September
We'd still play out in the rain
Nothing to lose but everything to gain
Reflecting now on how things could've been
It was worth it in the end
We knew we had to leave this town
But we never knew when we never knew how
We would end up here the way we are
Yeah we knew we had to leave this town
But we never knew when and we never knew how
Of all the things I still remember
Summer's never looked the same
The years go by and time just seems to fly by
But the memories remain.
In the middle of September
We'd still play out in the rain
Nothing to lose but everything to gain
Reflecting now on how things could've been
It was worth it in the end


3电影《触不可及》里面的音乐叫什么?电影《触不可及》里面的音乐是《por una cabeza》 , 演唱者为thomas newman 。
《por una cabeza》是一首小提琴曲  , 它是在《辛德勒名单》、《闻香识女人》和《真实的谎言》(又名 魔鬼大帝)中都出现过的著名探戈舞曲 。
自1935年诞生以来 , Por Una Cabeza成为电影中探戈的首选舞曲 , 钢柔并济的旋律似乎适应着每一个角色的心理任何一个场景的铺垫 。
电影《女人香》(又译 闻香识女人)、《真实的谎言》(又名魔鬼大帝)、《辛德勒的名单》 , 《史密斯夫妇》中都选择了 Por Una Cabeza 作为电影中的舞曲 , 此外《纵横四海》也是选择了这首名曲 ,  其魅力可见一斑 。
《por una cabeza》的风格:
《Por una cabeza》首段呈现慵懒以及幽默的口吻 , 进入到B段转小调 , 转而呈现 *** 的感觉 , 接着又转回大调 。由小提琴和口琴作对位和声的表现 。两个部分那种前后矛盾而又错落有致的风格充分的展现了探戈舞中两人配合的默契 。
进入B段后的 *** 将舞者与观众的情绪推到更高点 。然后突然做减慢 , 回到首调收尾 。整首音乐在帕尔曼精湛的演奏下委婉、激荡 , 尽现了探戈舞曲的精制 。
小提琴尖锐却不刺耳 , 抑扬顿挫却内敛干练 , 高调又内敛的引领着旋律 , 犹如踩着探戈舞步的女人 , 有着高贵的步伐傲视一切的态度 , 对舞伴欲迎还拒 , 纠缠其中 。
而钢琴鲜快明亮的节奏 , 把情节步步引入 ***  , 在音乐 *** 到来前有力的击键 , 仿佛是在下一个旋转前深吸一口气 , 然后就出发 , 去征服这个舞池 , 风琴略带舒缓的伴奏 , 就是那欲迎还拒中的风情……一首曲尽 , 而脑中的旋律挥之不去 , 犹如一场没有尽兴的舞蹈 , 永远只差最后一步 。
参考资料:百度百科-Por Una Cabeza
4法国电影《触不可及》中的背景音乐叫什么 , 更好翻译一下《触不可及》音乐百度网盘资源下载 免费在线欣赏
