官方回应高中一个班收8万班费高中班费大概多少钱( 四 )

I think such habits as buying with coupons or in the form of group-buy deals will easily result in overbuying and blind consumption. Buyers tend to think that coupons and group-buy deals give them a great advantage of saving money. It is praiseworthy that students choose to buy something they’re really in need of in such a way. But most of time, it is hard for them to refrain from being tempted to buy things offered at a tempting discount. The ultimate result is that they spend more money than they have planned before and harvest a heap of what they don’t really need.
我认为这样的习惯如购买优惠券或团购很容易导致不必要的盲目消费 。购买者往往认为优惠券和团购能帮助他们省钱 。值得赞许的是,学生选择去买东西,他们真的 有这样的需要 。但是大多数情况,他们不想购买一个诱人的折扣的东西是很难的 。最终的结果是,他们的花费超过了预算,买下了一堆他们根本不需要的东西 。
All in all, we should buy things out of necessity and ration instead of impulse. Don’t be confounded with lust and greed when seeing much cheaper things. Look before you leap. Only in this way can we be a truly*** art consumer.
总之,购物应出于必要合理的需求,而不要一时冲动 。当我们看到非常便宜的东西时,不要被欲望和贪婪混淆,三思而后行 。只有这样我们才能成为一个真正聪明的消费者 。
About Credit
Today, with the development of Internet, many traditional ways of life have been changed, especially the way to pay for purchase. The record of credit occupies important role for everybody, and they need good credit to get loan, so as to start their business or buy a house. We have come to the age of credit.
今天,随着互联网的发展,许多传统的生活方式发生了改变,特别是购买方式 。信用记录对每个人都有着非常重要的作用,他们需要良好的信贷来获得贷款,从而开始他们的生意或者买房子 。我们已经到了信用时代 。
There is a very classic example about the importance of credit. A Chinese man took the train in Europe. He found no one checked the ticket, so he just skipped the ticket. He thought he had saved the little money, but when he came to the bank and wanted to get the loan, he got rejected, because his record of credit showed he had skipped the ticket, which made him the unreliable man.
关于信用的重要性有一个很经典的例子 。一名中国男子在欧洲乘坐火车时,发现没有人检查车票,所以他就逃票 。他以为自己攒下了那一笔钱,但当他来到银行想要贷款时,却被拒绝了,因为他的信用记录显示他曾经逃票,这使他成了一个信用不好的人 。
The record of credit is the main basis when people asked for loan. The banks consider the account of money they would borrow according to the credit, or the departments will check a person’s credit to see if they want to hire him. The age of credit asks for us to behave ourselves well, or we will live the tough life.
信用记录是人们申请贷款的主要依据 。银行会根据他们的信用进行借款,或者有关部门会通过他们是否愿意雇用他来查看一个人的信用 。信用时代要求我们表现良好,否则我们会过着艰苦的生活 。
Once upon a time, I did not pay for my bill when I bought a pen, because the boss forgot to charge me, so I pretended to not realize it and just walk away with the pen. Many years passed, every time when I think of it, I will be ashamed of myself, I lost the important thing once, but I will not lose it again.
曾经有一次,我在买笔的时候没有付款,因为老板忘记向我收钱,因此我装作不知道,拿着笔就走了 。多年过去了,每次我想到这件事,我就会为自己感到羞愧,我曾经失去了重要的东西,但是我再也不会弄丢了 。
The merit of honesty occupies great importance today. In the old time, without the camera’s supervisor, people kept their honesty according to their self-consciousness. It seems that if they are not honest, they would not get any punishment. But today, as the technology develops, people are supervised by the high-technologies all the time, once they are caught cheating, their files will have the spot, which affect their career badly.
诚信的品质在今天占据重要的地位 。在过去,没有摄像头的监督,人们是通过自觉性来保持诚实的 。似乎如果他们不诚实,也没有什么惩罚 。但是今天,随着科技的发展,人们随时都被各种高科技监督,一旦被抓到作弊,他们的档案就会有污点,将严重影响他们的职业 。
We are living in the modern life, we need to self-behaved, what we do is under the invisible cameras’ watching. Even we make the*** all mistake, we will be recorded without noticed. What we do decides what kind of person we are, so let’s be an honest person all the time.
