received是什么意思中文 received是什么意思( 三 )

⑤floor[fl?:] n.地面;楼层
⑥rest[rest] n.[the~]其余的人(物);休息 v.休息
⑦take care of 照顾 , 照料……
35. According to the report, if an office clerk can sleep for a short time at noon, he will feel more comfortable and perform much better in the afternoon.根据报道 , 如果办公 室职员能在中午睡一小会儿 , 下午就会感到更舒服 , 表现更好 。
①according[??k?:di?] ad.依照(to)
②office[??fis] n.办公室;处 , 所 , 局
③clerk[klɑ:k, kl?:k] n.店员 , 办事员 , 职员
④at noon 在中午
⑤comfortable[?k?mf?t?b?l] a.舒服的
36. To our surprise, our leader is very confident about such a hard-working secretary that he encourages her to translate the important Japanese file into German as soon as possible.使我们吃惊的是 , 我们的领导人对这个努力工作的秘书很有信心 , 他鼓励她将重 要的日语文件尽快翻译成德语 。
①confident[?k?nfid?nt] a.确信的 , 肯定的;有信心的 , 自信的
②such a + 单数名词 + that “如此……样的一个…… , 以至于……”
③hard-working 努力工作的, 勤勉的
④secretary[?sekr?t?ri, -teri] n.秘书;书记;部长
⑤encourage[in?k?rid?] vt.鼓励 , 激励 , 怂恿;促进
⑥translate[tr?nz?leit] v.翻译
⑦file[fail] n.档案;文件夹
⑧German[?d??:m?n] n.& a.德语;德国人;德国的;德语的
37. Since Shanghai has become a modern city in China, it has attracted more and more foreigners and famous foreign companies.自从上海变成中国的现代化城市以来 , 上 海吸引了越来越多的外国友人和国外知名公司 。
①since[sins] conj./ prep.从…以后;因为
②modern[?m?d?n] a.现代的 , 新式的
③attract[??tr?kt] vt.吸引 , 引起…的注意
④foreigner[?f?rin?] n.外国人
⑤foreign[?f?rin] a.外国的;对外的
38. It is quite convenient for this short doctor to get all the tools that he needs because the university has designed a special lab for him.那个矮的医生很容易就拿到所有所需要的工具 , 因为大学已经为他设计了一个特别的实验室 。
①quite[kwait] ad.相当;实际上 , 确实;完全 , 十分
②convenient[k?n?vi:ni?nt] a.省力的 , 方便的
③short[??:t] a.短(矮)的;缺乏
④tool[tu:l] n.工具 , 用具; ***  , 手段
⑤need[ni:d] vt.需要 aux.v.必须 n.需要
⑥university[?ju:ni?v?:siti] n.大学
⑦design[di?zain] n.设计;图案;企图 vt.设计
⑧special[?spe??l] a.特殊的;专门的
⑨lab[l?b] =laboratory[l??b?r?t?ri]n.实验室
39. It is known to all that the earth is 49 times the size of the moon butthe sun is1.3 million times as big as the earth.地球是月亮的 49倍大 , 但是太阳是地球的 1,300,000倍 大 , 这是常识 。
①It is known to all that ……“众所周知……”(=As we all know, ……)
②earth[?:θ] n.地球;陆地 , 地面;土 , 泥
③time[taim] n.时间;次;倍[ pl.]
④size[saiz] n.大小 , 尺寸
⑤A + is/are(was/were) + 基数词 + times + the + 度量衡的名称 + of B A在(尺寸、长度、高度、面积、体积、重量……)方面是B的……倍⑥moon[mu:n] n.月球 , 月亮;卫星
⑦million[?milj?n] num.百万 , 百万个
⑧A + is/are(was/were) + 基数词 + times + as 形容词原级 as + B A在(尺寸、长度、高度、面积、体积、重量、快慢……)方面是B的……倍
40. He is always adding “e” in front of the letter “t” when he spells the word “ninth”,so his English teacher forced him to copy “ninth” one hundred times.当他拼ninth这个单词的时候 , 总是在 t前加e , 所以他的英语老师强迫他把 ninth这个单词 抄写一百遍 。
①always[??:lweiz] ad.总是 , 无例外地;永远 , 始终
②add[?d] vt.添(增)加;把…加起来 vi.(to)增添
③in front of 在…前面 , 在…面前
④letter[?let?] n.信 , 函件;字母
⑤spell[spel] vt.拼写
⑥force[f?:s] n.[ pl.]军队;暴力 vt.强迫
⑦copy[?k?pi] n.副本;(一)本 vt.抄写 , 复印;抄袭 , 模仿
