received是什么意思中文 received是什么意思

received是什么意思中文  received是什么意思

单词注释:n.→名词; v.→动词; vt.→及物动词; vi.→不及物动词
pron.→代词 aux.v.→情态动词;
num.→数词;int.→叹词 pl.→复数形式
21. This pretty nurse told the lovely girl it was bad manners to throw the rubbish everywhere and she should put them into the dustbin.那个漂亮的护士告诉那个可爱的 女孩 , 随处乱扔垃圾是不文明的举止 , 她应该扔在垃圾桶里 。
①pretty[?priti] ad.相当 , 很 a.漂亮的 , 俊俏的 , 标致的
②nurse[n?:s] n.护士 , 保姆 , 保育员 vt.护理 , 照料
③manner[?m?n?] n.方式(法);态度 , 风度 , 规矩 , 举止[ pl.]
④throw[θr?u] vt.扔;使突然陷入
⑤rubbish[?r?bi?] n.垃圾 , 废物
⑥everywhere[?evriwe?] ad.到处 , 各处 , 无论何处
⑦should[?ud, ??d] aux. v.[shall的过去式];应当;可能
⑧dustbin['d?stbin] n.垃圾箱
22. When the engineer found the machine stopped working, he stopped to check what was the matter with it.当工程师发现机器停止工作 , 他停下来查看出了什么错.①engineer[?end?i?ni?] n.工程师 , 火车司机 vt.操纵;设计 , 建造
②find[faind] vt.发现;感到
③machine[m???i(:)n] n.机器 , 机械
④stop doing sth 停止手头正在做的事;
stop to do sth 停止下来去做另一件事
⑤check[t?ek] v.检查;突然停止 n.核对;支票
⑥matter[?meit?] n.事情 , 情况;物质 , 物品 vi.要紧
23. The lady’s hu *** and raised his head and told me that yesterday’s highest temperature had risen to 36 degrees, but tomorrow it would rise by 3 degrees.这位 女士的丈夫抬起头并告诉我昨天更高气温升到 36度 , 但是今天还会升 3度 。
①hu *** and[?h?zb?nd] n.丈夫
②raise[rez, reiz] vt./ n.举起;增加;筹集;引起;养育
③high[hai] a.高(级;尚;兴)的 ad.高
④temperature[?temp(?)rit??] n.温度 , 体温;热度 , 发烧
【received是什么意思中文received是什么意思】⑤rise[raiz] vi.升起;起立(床);上涨 n.上涨;升高
⑥degree[di?gri:] n.度 , 度数;程度;学位
24. It was very loud outside the classroom so our English teacher required all the students to read the new text aloud.教室外面很吵 , 所以我们的英语老师要求所有的学生 大声朗读新课文 。
①loud[laud] a.大声的;ad.大声地
②outside[?aut?said] prep./ n./ ad./ a.(在 , 向)的外面(的)
③require[ri?kwai?] vt.需要;要求 , 规定
④aloud[??laud] ad.出声地 , 大声地
25. The beautiful journalist received the rich man’s expensive gift; however, she refused to accept it because she didn’t like him.那个漂亮的采访人员收到了这富人送的昂贵 礼物 , 但是她拒绝接受 , 因为她不喜欢他 。
①journalist[?d??:n?list] n.新闻工作者 , 新闻采访人员
②receive[ri?si:v] vt.收到;受到;接待 , 接见 , 欢迎
③expensive[ik?spensiv] a.昂贵的 , 花钱多的
④gift[gift] n.礼物 , 赠品;天赋 , 才能
⑤however[hau?ev?] ad.然而 , 可是;无论如何 conj.不管怎样
⑥refuse[ri?fju:z] v.拒绝 , 不接受 , 不同意
⑦accept[?k?sept] vt.接(领,收)受;承认,同意;相信
26. --My deskmate has made so great progress in French recently that he can speak French fluently now.--So he has, and so have you. Congratulations on winning the first prize in the French contest.--我同桌最近在法语上取得很大进步 , 现在法语说得很流利了 。
--是的 , 你也是 。祝贺你赢的法语竞赛之一名 。
①deskmate 同桌
②progress[?pr?ugres] n./ vi.前进 , 进步 , 进展 make progress 取得进步、进展
③French[frent?] a.法国;法国人(的) n.法语
④recently[?ri:s?ntli] ad.最近 , 新近
⑤fluently['flu:?ntli] adv. 流利地, 流畅地
⑥so + 形容词/副词 + that…… “如此…… , 以至于……”
⑦so + 人称代词 + be/助动词“某人确实如此”;so + be/助动词 + 人称代词“某人也是 如此”
⑧congratulation[k?n?gr?tju?lei??n] n.[ pl.]贺词;祝贺 , 恭喜
