received是什么意思中文 received是什么意思( 二 )

⑨win[win] vi.获胜 , 赢 vt.获胜;赢得
⑩prize[praiz] n.奖(金 , 品)
(11)contest[k?n?test, ?k?ntest] n.比赛;争夺 vt.争夺 , 竞争
27. A duck is lying below a tree, it has laid four eggs but the boy lied that it had laid 3 eggs.一只鸭子躺在树下 , 它下了四个蛋 , 但是那个男孩谎称它只下了 3个蛋 。①duck[d?k] n.鸭 , 鸭肉
②lying[?laii?] lie的现在分词 lie[lai] vi.躺 , 平放;位于;伸展;说谎 n.谎话
③below[bi?l?u] prep.在…下
④laid[leid] lay的过去式(分词) lay[lei] v.置放;铺;产(蛋 , 卵);设置;主张
28. The old writer lived alone in a*** all village,but he never felt lonely because he had made friends with the books.那个年老的作家独自住在一个小村里 , 但是他从不感到孤单 ,  因为他和书做朋友 。
①alone[??l?un] a./ ad.单独的(地),孤独的;仅,只
②village[?vilid?] n.村 , 乡村 , 村庄
③lonely[?l?unli] a.孤独的 , 寂寞的;荒凉的 , 人迹稀少的
④make friends with和……交朋友
29. Ten passengers are standing beside the door besides you so there are eleven*** s in all.除了你 , 十个乘客正站在门边 , 因此一共有 11个成年人 。
①passenger[?p?sind??] n.乘客 , 旅客
②stand[st?nd] vi.站;坐落;处于;忍受 n.台;摊;立场
③beside[bi?said] prep.在…旁边 , 在…附近;和…相比
④besides[bi?saidz] ad.而且 , 此外(还) prep.除…之外(还)
⑤ *** [??d?lt, ??d?lt] n.成年人(或动物) a.成年(人)的
⑥in all 总共 , 合计
30. The monitor expects that besides students, their parents will also attend his birthday party but there are only five of his friends except his class teacher.班长期盼除 了学生 , 他们的家长也能出席他的生日聚会 , 但是 , 除了老师只有 5个朋友来了 。
①monitor[?m?nit?] vt.监听(视;测) n.检测器;显示器;班长
②expect[ik?spekt] vt.预料 , 预计;等待 , 期待 , 盼望;要求
③parents[?p??r?nts] n.双亲;父母亲
④attend[??tend] vt.出席,参观;照料 vi.(to)专心于
⑤except[ik?sept] prep.除…外 conj.除了;要不是 , 但是
31. Every Sunday, my mother brings some clean clothes and fresh fruit to me and takes my dirty dresses and T-shirts away.每周日 , 我妈妈带来一些干净的衣服和新鲜的水 果给我 , 并拿走我的脏衣服和 T恤 。
①bring[bri?] vt.带来;把…引来;促使;使发生
②clean[kli:n] a.干净的
③clothes[?kl?uez] n.衣服 , 服装
④fresh[fre?] a.新(鲜 , 颖)的;精神饱满的;淡(水)的
⑤fruit[fru:t] n.水果 , 果实;成果
⑥dirty[?d?:ti] a.肮脏的;下流的;卑鄙的
⑦dress[dres] n.连衣裙;衣服 vt.给…穿衣
32. After he took the medicine, the sick soldier felt very weak and finally fell asleep, so you had better keep quiet and not go around.吃过药后 , 那个生病的战士感到很虚弱 ,  左后睡着了 , 因此你更好保持安静 , 不要走动 。
①after[?ɑ:ft?] prep./ conj.在…之后
②medicine[?medisin] n.内服药;医学
③sick[sik] a.有病的;恶心的
④soldier[?s?uld??] n.士兵 , 军人
⑤weak[wi:k] a.虚弱的;(能力等)差的;微弱的
⑥asleep[??sli:p] a.睡着的 fall asleep 睡着
⑦quiet[?kwai?t] a.轻声的;安静的 keep quiet 保持安静
⑧around[??raund] ad.在周围;到处
33. My watch is the same as my friends’, but it cost me five hundred yuan and my friends spent only 200 yuan on it.我的手表和我朋友的一样 , 但是花了我 500元 , 而我朋 友们只花了200元 。
①watch[w?t?] v.观看;看守 , 照看;小心 n.(手)表;看管
②the same as 与 ... 同样的
③cost[k?st] n.价格 , 成本;代价 vt.(使)花费;使付出 某物+cost+某人+时间/金钱/……
34. On March the fifth, some of the pupilsplant some treesin the neighborhood, and some help to clean the floor and the rest take care of the old men and women.3月 5日 , 一些小学生在居民小区种了一些树 , 一些清洁地面 , 其余的照顾老年人 。
①March[mɑ:t?] n.三月
②pupil[?pju:p?l] n.学生 , 小学生
③plant[plɑ:nt] n.植物;工厂 vt.种 , 植
④neighborhood[?neib?hud] n.四邻 , 街坊;邻近地区 , 附近
