伤感的英文个性签名( 二 )

(26)、也许是天气,也许是运气,也许是因为有人不放弃 。Maybe the weather, maybe it's luck, maybe it's because someone does not give up.

(27)、夏天的每一阵凉风都不可辜负,要让它带走果香帮你实现愿望Do not live up to every gust of cool wind in summer, to let it take fruit to help you

(28)、以梦喂马,驰骋岁月;以梦为马,诗酒趁年华 。To dream, horses galloping years; In the dream for the horse, poem liquor before time.

(29)、可是,哥们儿,有钱有权有身材脸蛋的女人你敢要么But, dude, rich shall have the right to has a face of women dare you either

(30)、那些让你睡不着的心事,都会变成天上的星星 。That will make you mind could not sleep, will become the stars in the sky.美丽又悲伤的英文个性签名【伤感的英文个性签名】



1、弥散在季节的风雨里,温馨在绵绵的记忆中,知否?想借风儿送去讯息:生命如歌,芳菲满园……Dispersion in the storm of the season, warm in continuous memory, know? Want to borrow the wind to send message: life such as song, wheatgrass garden...

伤感的英文个性签名2、看的到的只是表面的光彩,唯有看不到的才最真实丶To see is the surface of the light, only see the most true,

3、何必拿尊严去挽留一个变了心的人 。情也好,爱情也罢 。Why take dignity to retain a changed heart. Love, love.

4、烦躁的连自己都知道该怎样办好 。Be agitated of even they know how to do well.

5、没有人知道明天会发生什么,所以我们要在今天,好好待自己,好好相爱 。No one knows what will happen tomorrow, so we're going to today, take for yourself, to love each other well.

6、感觉太累的时候,不要吝啬,给自己一个拥抱吧,闭上眼就是天堂 。Feel too tired, don't be stingy, give yourself a hug, I closed my eyes is heaven.

7、看穿了世界,也看不穿人心See through the world, do not wear the heart

8、原来什么都在变,内些什么狗屁沧海桑田 。Originally what all changing, what shit inside passage.

9、你是夏日里冰凉的啤酒,你是阵雨前裙角掠过的风 。You are ice cold beer in summer, you are the wind shower before skirt horn over.

10、也许你认为重于千金的东西对别人来说是那么那么轻www.yw11.com 。Perhaps you think is more important than money is so so light for others.

11、别以为你被世界抛弃了,世界根本就没空搭理你,Don't think you were abandoned in the world, the world simply doesn't have time for you now,

12、你的废话怎样比湖南卫视的广告还多啊 。Nonsense: how do you like more than hunan TV ads.

13、我带着你的爱情一起去旅行,一起回顾我们曾走过的每个大街小巷 。I bring you love to travel together, review each streets we walk together.

14、有的人说不出清楚那里好,但就是谁都代替不了!Some people say a good out there, but is who all don't replace!

15、我想牵你的手,从心动,到古稀 。I want to hold your hand, from the heart, to the version.

16、真正的爱情不是你知道他(她)有多好才要在一起,而是明知他(她)又太多的不好还是不愿离开 。True love is not you know he (she) have much good just to be together, but know he (she) again too many bad or don't want to leave.

17、烦燥的情绪让我个性的想家人Fretful mood let my personality to his family

18、爱过才知痛滋味,痛过才知情可贵 。Love you only know pain, pain just close to the valuable.

19、我爱的人,不是我的爱人,他心里的每一寸都属于另一个人 。I love the people, not my lover, he was every inch belong to another person.

20、就是正因你知道得太多了,因此我不得不成为你的好朋友Just because you know too much, so I have to be your good friend

21、初夏,多好的时节 。是家乡曼陀罗开得最盛的日子伤感的英文个性签名Early summer, it's a wonderful season. The sheng day mandala is home

22、在要想放下的时候,想想当初是怎样走到此刻的 。When to put down, to think is how walk to now.

23、回忆的雪翩翩已落下恍如昨夜斟的酒梦醒如轮回的秋 。Memories of snow fluttering and falling down like last night, pour the wine as I wake cycle of autumn.

24、每个男孩都以前是一个无情的恶魔,当碰到他心爱的女孩时便有了爱 。恶魔有爱,净化为人 。因此每一个女孩都不就应辜负她的男孩,正因他以前为了你背叛了整个地狱 。Every boy who used to be a heartless demons, when met his beloved girl had love. Demons have love, purification. So every girl should not live up to her boy, as he had in order to you rebelled against the whole of the hell.
