25、再牛的肖邦也弹不出老子的悲伤 。Again the cow Chopin also play out Lao tze of sadness.
26、我知道有一天我们的爱必定终结可是-I know that one day our love will end but -
27、原来爱情从来没有离开过,只是我记得你却忘了 。The original love never leave, but I forgot to remember you.
28、你永远都不知道自己有多坚强,直到变得坚强成了你唯一的选择 。You never know how strong you are, until strong is your only option.
29、原来喜欢不可以伪装,原来快乐不可以假装,原来永远和瞬间一样 。The original love can not disguise, the original happiness can not pretend, originally forever and in an instant.
30、有时候,最好的安慰,就是无言的陪伴 。Sometimes, the best comfort, is silent company.听听悲伤的英文签名 。
(1)、我唯一不想你的时候就是你在我身边的时候 。The only time I don't think you is you by my side.
伤感的英文个性签名(2)、一个人怎样可能一生只做同样一件事,住同一间房间睡同一张床,看同样的街景,度过同样的春夏秋冬 。怎样可能只对一个主人忠心,痴恋同一个人……How a man might do the same thing life, live in the same room to sleep with a bed, watching the same street, through the same spring, summer, autumn and winter. How may only loyalty to a master, chi love the same person...
(3)、不想难过,不想流泪,就不要去好奇那些不该看的东西 。Don't want to upset, don't want to cry, don't wonder who shouldn't see.
(4)、一你的废话怎样比湖南卫视的广告还多啊 。A nonsense: how do you like more than hunan TV ads.
(5)、梦想和自由一样,都有代价,但都值得 。Dream and freedom, all with a price, but would be worth it.
(6)、我放下了尊严,放下了个性,放下了固执,都只是因为放不下你 。I put down the dignity, put down the individual character, down stubborn, all just because can not let go you.
(7)、其实和我爱的人站在街角沐浴阳光,也是一件幸福的事情Actually, and the person I love sunshine, standing at the street corner is also a happy thing.
(8)、都说女人如衣服,但我是你穿不出来的气质 。All said the woman be like clothes, but I'm you wear out of temperament.
(9)、为什么我会变成一个小丑,而不是一个牧师,或许是正因我比牧师更有牺牲奉献的精神吧 。Why do I become a clown, not a priest, perhaps because I have more than the priest the spirit of sacrifice.
(10)、当已决定放弃的时候就要勇敢的说再见When has decided to give up will be brave to say goodbye
(11)、你是不是觉得我很烦总是去打扰你 。Do you think I'm quite tired of always bother you.
(12)、有时候分手说的多了之后,渐渐的便真的分开了Sometimes after break up said much, gradually will really separated
(13)、我不要什么荣华富贵,我只要你一颗爱我的心I don't what wealth, as long as you a heart to love me
(14)、不敢靠近因为你像月亮一样身旁有太多繁星 。Too afraid to approach because you like the moon side there are so many stars.
(15)、前尘往事仅如梦望君此后勿回头Sing with the past is only a dream hope you later don't look back
(16)、我寂寞寂寞就好,你真的不用来我回忆里微笑!I am lonely lonely is good, you really don't have to come to my memory smile!
(17)、晓雾侵寒被,倦猫午后眠,残风催晚照,无语问苍天 。The morning fog, cold invasion, tired cat afternoon sleep, residual wind rush WanZhao, awakenings.
(18)、一有时候想大喊一声,却怕别人用看神经病的眼神鄙视我 。A sometimes feel like Shouting, but afraid of other people with mental derangement eye despise me.
(19)、有没有那么一个人,让你红了眼眶,你却还笑着原谅Have so a person, let you red eyes, but you also forgive with a smile
(20)、也许我并不该出现在你的生命里,永远不相识伤感的英文个性签名Maybe I should not appear in your life, never get to know each other
(21)、信任是这个世界上最容易失去的东西,也是最难挽回的东西 。Trust is the most easy to lose things in the world, is also the most difficult to restore.
(22)、对自我好点,正因一辈子不长;对身边的人好点,正因下辈子不必须能够遇见 。To better itself, because a lifetime is not long; The people around him better, because next life don't have to be able to meet.
(23)、空气中弥漫着湿热的气息让人有种说不出的烦躁The air was filled with the smell of damp and hot let a person have a kind of say a fidgety
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