简短唯美的英文句子( 三 )

hold old, imprisoned the space-time, by the end of time.


【你逃不掉世俗的卑微,我无法理解时空衔接的丝裂,你逃不脱家庭的束缚,我无法明白逆来顺受的错,终于,在接力赛拉长了彼此的距离,留下孤独的相向背影 。】

【简短唯美的英文句子】 You don't escape secular humble, I can't understand the space-time continuum cracking, you don't flee the bondage of family, and I can't understand the long-suffering wrong, finally, in the long distance of each other, relay race left lonely figure violent.

【回得了过去,回不了当初 。】

back to the past, return not anymore at the beginning.

【离开我就别安慰我,要知道每一次缝补也会遭遇穿刺的痛 。】

leave me don't comfort me, to know each sewing has to meet stinging pain.


Is my, you don't move, not me, you also give I put that...

【一天,我终于不再思念她,因为她离开太久了,我的习惯已经不再是习惯 。】

One day, I finally no longer miss her, because she left too long, my habit is no longer a habit.

【我的故事很长你想听的话不如我们先结个婚吧 。】

Long you want to listen to my stories as we first knot a marriage.

【数学老师带我们在题海中遨游结果最后他上岸了我们都淹死了 。】

Math teacher took us to roam in the crowd turned out at last he reached shore we all drowned.

【成功的信念在人脑中的作用就如闹钟,会在你需要时将你唤醒 。】

The belief in the role of the human brain as alarm clock, will wakes you up. When you need.

【谁说感情滂沱不然,怎得侵湿了整件衣裳 。】

who say torrential or emotions, how to assault wet whole clothes.

【贪婪是最真实的贫穷,满足是最真实的财富 。】

Greed is the real poverty, satisfy is the most real wealth.

【尤记得当年我们都很年轻,而如今,我们都已长大 。】

remember when we were young, and now, we have grown up.


if it really good for me, so I choose also please approval

【早安午安晚安,你不知道没有你我很不安 。】

good morning good afternoon good night, don't you know I am without you.

【身边的人在来来去去,又有几个能真正的是一辈子 。】

The people around him in come and go, and there are a few can really is a lifetime.

【一个只有滥情而没有爱情的年代 。】

a promiscuous without love.

【人生如天气,可预料,但往往出乎意料 。简短唯美的英文句子】

Life is like weather, predictable, but often unexpected.

【不是我不爱你了,只是因为我发现你不需要我了 。】

not I do not love you, just because I found that you don't need me any more.

【别人的童话永远都是浪漫的,而我的童话却永远都是凄凉的 。】

The other people's fairy tales always is romantic, and my fairy tale but never be miserable.

【现在才明白,算了,这两个字包含着很多失望 。】

Now just understand, forget it, this two word contains a lot of disappointment.

【我只有一颗心,谁要谁拿去 。】

I only have one heart, who want to take.

【曾经,有一个人真正的进入了我的世界 。但已经不知不觉的消失了 。从此再也没有人,能在我的小世界里随意走动 。】

once upon a time, there is a person really came into my world. But it has somehow disappeared. Never, can wander at will in my little world.

【过去的一页不要再翻,翻落了灰尘会迷了双眼 。】

The past one page don't turn, turn down the dust will lost his eyes.


I put my heart send the wrong address, now please give it back to me!

【温柔要有,但不是妥协,我们要在安静中,不慌不忙的坚强 。】

Gentle to have, but not compromise, we will in the quiet, unhurried strong.

【或许你只是个插曲,我却当作唯一来对待 。】

Maybe you're just a episode, I was treated as the only.

【日子就这样流淌过去,而那些以前说着永不分离的人,早已经散落在天涯了 。】

The day so that flowed in the past, and those who said before the person who never separation, already scattered in the tianya. 】

【原来你说的每句话都是谎言的完美版 。】

originally you said each sentence is perfect version of a lie.
