方法|教师资格证笔试大纲《英语学科知识与教学能力》(高级中学)( 三 )
To make matters even more critical, global warming is becoming an ever-increasing threat to the existence of humans and animals. Polar icecaps are melting, and sections, the size of the state of Rhode Island, are breaking off. Traveling toward the Temperate Zones, they begin to melt, placing an inordinate amount of fresh water into the oceans and causing an imbalance.
Humans further complicate their lives by allowing businesses to release pollutants in urban areas, in the name of profit. “Accidents” often take place at refineries where toxic fumes are released into the air that people and animals breathe. Pesticides are so widely used and pose such a threat that it is amazing all of them haven’t been banned.
Governments, anxious to appease money-hungry corporations and their stockholders, have allowed timber companies into National Forests to cut virgin-growth trees. Most of these businesses clear cut vast areas and often wait an inordinate amount of time to replant.
Burning questions never cease: When will governments—local, state, and federal—corporations, and the rest of the human race realize what is happening to this planet? When will the race for profit cease to consume them? Perhaps it will come about when there is no land left to farm and feed the burgeoning population, or there is no clean water left to drink, or wildlife to balance the ecosystem, or, more importantly, when their children start dying. By that time, however, it probably will be too late.
1.In Paragraph 1, “another nail in their coffin” is similar in meaning to______.
A.a bad luck B.going dead
C.a blessing in disguise D.going from bad to worse
2.The author purposefully capitalizes the initial letters of Mother Nature because ______.
A.the author is clearly being sarcastic and suggesting that human beings show no respect for the nature
B.the author wants to emphasize the point that nature, like our mother, provides us with nourishment
C.they are used here as a proper noun personifying the might power of nature
D.they are words of very special importance
3.The author implies that travelling one-to-a-car______.
A.is an environmentally-friendly travel option
B.should be discouraged
C.should be encouraged
D.should be punished
Transcribe the sound represented by the underlined letter(s) in the words and then describe it. (10 points)
Which of the following activities belongs in communicative practice?
A.Repeating sentences that the teacher says.
B.Doing oral grammar drills.
C.Reading aloud passages from the textbook.
D.Giving instructions so that someone can use a new machine.
(1)请辨析下列两个句子的不同点并解释原因 。
Did you eat something this evening?
Did you eat anything this evening?
(2)英语教师应该如何看待并处理学生的语言错误?请举例说明 。
教学设计题:根据所提供的信息和语言素材进行教学设计 , 本题用英文作答 。
请根据以下信息和语言素材进行教学设计 , 本题用英文作答 。
设计任务:阅读以下信息和语言素材 。 假设你将利用此语言素材提高学生的阅读能力 , 请根据学生情况设计针对此素材的教学目标 , 以及实现该目标的课堂活动 。
学生概况:本班为中等城市普通学校高中一年级的学生 , 班级人数为40人 。 多数学生已具备一定的英语语言能力 。 学生能够积极参与课堂活动 , 合作意识较强 。
教学时间:45分钟 。
学习评价 。
The Road to Modern English
- 教师|北大韦神“真实处境”跌下神坛,学生退课,班级人数不到10人
- 质量|留住县中教师不能只靠禁令
- 评价|完善评价机制增强高校教师职业自豪感
- 教师|又是美女,棠湖中学老师斩获全国赛课大奖,成功不易、历程艰辛
- 教师|教育部通知:禁止高中提前“结课”,同时教师也迎来“好消息”
- 教师|女教师下课忘关“投影仪”,搜索内容暴露无遗,学生感到震惊!
- 中小学|吕梁:将中小学教师绩效工资提高
- 教师|为什么!女大学生被辅导员性骚扰4年,最后还是被强奸
- 教师|教师医疗享受公务员同等待遇
- 考试|0分小学生试卷走红,教师看完啼笑皆非,稻子:我也很无辜啊!