园艺|8月28日亚太区SAT考情回顾( 三 )

His lips worked around empty air. I waited and watched him strain to form a word. Finally he spoke, unintelligibly and too loudly, like a deaf person who has not learned to sculpt his sounds. “Co--iii--aahh.”
I shook my head.
He made the sound again, more slowly. “Coo. Iiiii. Aaaahh.”
I tried to piece it together. “Coya?” I asked, thinking, a name? a place I’ve never heard of?
“Coo. Miiiii. Aaah.”
I nodded blankly.
“Coo. Miiiii. Dah.”
And then I understood. “Co--mi--da. Food. Food?”
He nodded. Drops of water fell from his face, too copious to be sweat; they seeped from his pores, a human sponge just lifted from the river—-though even sponges would stop dripping at some point, and this man’s wetness had not relented. Without turning my gaze away from him, I pressed the knife against my arm, to see whether I was dreaming. The blade broke skin and drew blood and I felt the pain but did not wake out of this reality into another one. If my father had been here he surely would not have seen this ghoulish man, or if he had, he would have stabbed him already, without a word, then poured a glass of scotch and watched Mamá clean up the carpet. I met the stranger’s gaze and felt my heart pulse like a siren in my chest. I should attack him, I thought. I should chase him out. But I couldn’t bring myself to do either. Later, I would look back on this moment as the one when my real life began: the moment in which, without knowing why, to my own shock and against all reason, I lowered my weapon and went to forage for food.
这篇是比较小众有关语言学的社科类阅读 。 讨论各个语言的阅读方式对人的想象有什么影响 。 文中举的例子是如果我告诉你 , 你在公园里散步 , 身边有个人跑过去 , 大多数人都会下意识觉得这个人从左往右跑 。


文章就在讨论这种想象是所有人与生俱来的 , 还是因为文字是从左到右读的才引起的 。 所以就有几个人做了个实验 , 拉了一下说意大利语的和说阿拉伯语的 。 意大利语是从左往右读 , 阿拉伯语是从右往左读 。
实验就是给这些人形容一个场景 , 比如说是一个男的推了一个女的 , 然后叫他们画出来 。 后来还做了类似 , 测反应速度的实验 。 反正结果就是有可能语言的方向影响了人的想象 , 但同时还给出了一个疑问 , 说有可能是因为漫画或者其他因素导致人都从左向右想东西 。
第三篇是关于运用3D打印的花做实验来研究植物捕食飞虫的 。
第四篇是历史双篇 , 是有关女性投票权的经典话题 。
第一篇节选自伊丽莎白·凯迪·斯坦顿(Elizabeth Cady Stanton)的《1848年在塞内卡县佛尔斯镇女权大会上的演说》(Address Delivered at Seneca Falls) , 主要的观点就是女性应当得到选举权;第二篇节选自弗朗西斯·E·W·哈珀(Frances E. W. Harper)1893年的演说《女性的政治未来》(Woman’s Political Future) , 主要是讲女性选举权的获得 。
We have no objection to discuss the question of equality, for we feel that the weight of argument lies wholly with us, but we wish the question of equality kept distinct from the question of rights, for the proof of the one does not determine the truth of the other. All white men in this country have the same rights, however they may differ in mind, body or estate. The right is ours. The question now is, how shall we get possession of what rightfully belongs to us. We should not feel so sorely grieved if no man who had not attained the full stature of a Webster, Clay, Van Buren, or Gerrit Smith could claim the right of the elective franchise. But to have drunkards, idiots, horse-racing, rumselling rowdies, ignorant foreigners, and silly boys fully recognized, while we ourselves are thrust out from all the rights that belong to citizens, it is too grossly insulting to the dignity of woman to be longer quietly submitted to. The right is ours. Have it we must. Use it we will. The pens, the tongues, the fortunes, the indomitable wills of many women are already pledged to secure this right. The great truth, that no just government can be formed without the consent of the governed, we shall echo and re-echo in the ears of the unjust judge, until by continual coming we shall weary him... .
