逻辑|托福写作高分诀窍——逻辑与文法( 二 )

Personally I believe that the internet truly improves our lives by increasing the accessibility of information.
Some might contends that telephone play a much more effective role in modern life, but I maintain that television is actually much more influential than telephone.
Some might contend that telephone play a much more effective role in modern life, but I maintain that television is actually much more influential than telephone.


04、总结 以下是五大考生最常犯的文法错 , 同学们不妨于练作文时多加留意:
1. 过度使用the
同学其实常常不知道什么时候要放the , 以从小对英文的习惯 , 会变成好像是名词前面就要有个the 。 事实上 , 假如没有限定 , 就不该加the 。
同学可以把定冠词the想成that , 当该名词为独一无二/全体/特定某物/或说话的人已经提到过的 , 会使用定冠词the , 后面接单数或复数名词 。
It is true that nowadays the technology rules the world.
It is true that nowadays technology rules the world.
technology为不可数名词 , 不需要加the 。
the technology development is fascinatingly rapid in modern times.
The development of technology is fascinatingly rapid in modern times.
这是很常见的写作错误 , 同学很常会习惯把名词直接从中文翻译过去 , 于是科技发展变成the technology development, 蔗蟾蜍的数量变成the cane toad population , 其实是要用of+ N.的介系词片语隔开的 , 而且前面名词通常是general noun , 后面再用比较specific的名词或片语修饰之 , 因此 , 正解是the development of technology, the population of the cane toad.
2. 一句话里面包含太多资讯
当同学试着在同一句话里面包含两三个资讯时 , 会很容易表达不清楚 。
同学要切记 , 句意表达清楚为优先 , 使用漂亮句型为第二 。
以下这句话 , 同学试看看 , 是否能在第一时间内看懂?
A fact to support this view is that the natural personality of human being are not so active that some encouragement as help is a significant factor to motivate the ambition.
In other words, human beings tend to be somewhat passive. Therefore, encouragement serves as a significant factor in motivating them.
这样分两句话说 , 就清楚得多 。
3. 人称不一致
First of all, I will not emphasize the importance of muti-skills too much in building career plan. Just imagine, when people plan their careers, there might be so many dreams that we want....
这里 , 请同学尽量用第三人称比较好 , 比较客观 , 尤其是在主题句 , 阐述理由的时候 , 切忌用personal pronoun,如I , 否则没有说服力 。
在例子里 , 假如讲到个人经验、例子 , 可转换成I.
4. 时态不一致
同学常常时态会跳来跳去而不自知 。
基本上 , 独立与整合写作通常都用现在式 , (因为独立写作大多描写理由观点 , 视为事实 。 整合写作在统整双方立场 , 为事实 。 )
如果在例子里面描述过去事件 , 则切换成过去式 。
Both the passage and the professor are discussing gay marriage. The reading says that it should be legal, while the speaker believes that gay marriage may cause even more confusion.
Both the passage and the professor discuss gay marriage. The reading says that it should be legal, while the speaker believes that gay marriage may cause even more confusion.
5. 写出不独立不完整的句子
