Harold|“牛”是cow,“肉”是meat,为什么“牛肉”不是cow meat而是beef呢?( 二 )

especially with the division of language in the French upper classes and the anglo-saxon working classes of the time
It would be this anglo-saxon working class sort of farm and hunt the food keeping the English names of the animals they already knew like cow, pig and sheep
盎格鲁-撒克逊工人阶级耕种并捕猎 , 所以他们保留了他们经常使用的动物的英文名字 , 如牛 , 猪和羊
while the French upper classes who only ever saw the animals cooked would use the French names they already knew.

Harold|“牛”是cow,“肉”是meat,为什么“牛肉”不是cow meat而是beef呢?

This meant that cooked pig took on the French name for them porc, which is of course anglicized the pork.
这就意味着煮熟的猪用了法语名字porc ,英国化之后成pork
The French boeuf was anglicized to beef to replace cattle ,
and mutton comes from the French word for sheep mouton.
mutton来自法国对羊的叫法mouton 。
Chicken meat is still just known as chicken and duck meat is just known as duck.
鸡肉仍然被叫作chicken , 鸭肉仍然被叫作duck
There seems to be no real answer why chicken and duck meat is still just called chicken and duck.
鸡鸭肉究竟为什么还被叫作chicken和duck , 似乎还没有真正的答案 。
Poulet it's French for chicken which is where poultry comes from
Poulet是法语 , 意思是鸡肉 , 家禽poultry这个单词就是从这里来的 。
and was anglicized to pullet which is now just used to refer to a young hen.
后来被英语化成了pullet , 现在用来指年轻的母鸡
Horse meat is a rather controversial meat. Due to the fact that for so long horses have played such a large role as companions to humans, some cultures are hesitant eat them especially in english-speaking countries.
马肉是一种颇有争议的肉 , 因为这么长时间以来 , 马一直扮演着人类重要的伙伴角色 , 一些文化对吃马肉很犹豫 , 尤其是在英语国家 。
In France horse meat is just called cheval meat. Cheval being the French name for horses when they are alive, too.
在法国 , 马肉被称为cheval meat 。 Cheval也是马活着时的法语名字 。
But due to horse meat not coming across the channel with William the conquerer it didn't get a name divided like pig and pork.
但是由于马肉没有随征服者威廉穿越海峡而来 , 所以马肉没有像猪和猪肉那样被分开命名 。
So what about fish? Fish is much like poultry and horses in the fact that they haven't got a separate name for when they're eaten and even specific species of fish don't have food names.
那鱼呢?鱼很像家禽和马 , 事实上它们被吃的时候没有单独的名字 , 甚至特定种类的鱼也没有食物名称 。
This is for to do the French word for fish being of poisson which is very similar to the English word poison,
这是因为法语中表示鱼的词poisson , 这个词与英语中的“毒药”非常相似 ,
so perhaps people were turned off eating something that sounded similar to poison.
所以也许是人们拒绝吃听起来像毒药的东西 。
So next time you re eating a beef burger just remember you re calling that a beef burger and not a cattle burger due to an invasion and a class divide that happened almost 1,000 years ago.
因此 , 下次您要吃牛肉汉堡时 , 请记住 , 您所说的是beef汉堡 , 而不是cattle汉堡 , 这与一段入侵和近1000年前发生的阶级分化的历史有关 。
【Harold|“牛”是cow,“肉”是meat,为什么“牛肉”不是cow meat而是beef呢?】
