

“对于中国高校来说 , 他们更关注如何提高国际声望 , 衡量国际声望的重要指标就是研究经费和发表论文数量 , 我认为重点指标应该改为本科生的教学质量 。
"For Chinese universities, they are more concerned about improving their international reputation, which is measured by research funding and the number of papers published. In my opinion, the focus should be on the quality of undergraduate teaching.
在中国一些一流高校已经能够培养高质量的本科生 , 但数量远远达不到中国社会目前的需求 。 中国应该更关注所有学生的教育 , 而不仅仅是顶尖的一部分” 。
Some top universities in China have been able to produce high-quality undergraduates, but the quantity is far from the current needs of Chinese society. China should pay more attention to the education of all its students, not just some at the top."
11月1日上午 , 在第四届世界顶尖科学家论坛开幕式上 , 1986年图灵奖得主约翰·霍普克罗夫特进行《开放科学:科学传播与人才培养》主题演讲时表示 , “我们需要注意到 , 科学人才均匀分布在世界各地 , 而教育机会不是 。 ”“需要找到有效的方法改善全世界的教育 。 ”
On the morning of November 1, at the opening ceremony of the 4th World Laureates, John Edward Hopcroft, conducted , "We need to be aware that scientific talent is evenly distributed around the world, whereas educational opportunity is not.""We need to find effective ways to improve education around the world."
霍普克罗夫特是美国计算机科学家 , 研究领域为理论计算机科学 。
Hopcroft is an American computer scientist specializing in theoretical computer science.


他指出 , 美国的博士项目比中国更强 , 这是因为中国的本科教育没有创造高质量的博士项目申请人 。
He pointed out that doctoral programs in the United States are stronger than in China because China's undergraduate education does not create high-quality doctoral program applicants.
“造成这种情况的原因之一是中国的大学专注于增加其国际推荐 。 国际声誉的衡量标准的主要组成为研究、资金和发表论文 。 ”霍普克罗夫特表示 , “衡量指标需要改变 , 要关注本科教师的素质 。 ”
"One of the reasons for this is that Chinese universities focus on increasing their international recommendations.The main components of international reputation are research,funding and publications." "The metrics need to change to focus on the quality of undergraduate faculty,"says Mr Hopcroft.


他认为 , 高校的评价体系需要改变 , 需要放更多重点在教学质量上 。 要让教师们考虑到这些问题:上课的课件是否为最新版本、教师是否和学生互动、教师是否对其所教领域知识丰富 。
He believes the evaluation system of universities needs to be changed to put more emphasis on the quality of teaching. Let the teachers consider such issues as whether the courseware in class is the latest version, whether the teacher interacts with the students, and whether the teacher is knowledgeable about the area he is teaching.
他举出自己的一个经历 。 他曾旁听一位年轻教师授课 , 讲解数学公式 。 一开始 , 30名同学听讲都很认真 , 但30分钟之后 , 一半的学生都开小差了 。 此前 , 这个老师写了一个公式 , 并用20分钟讲这个公式是怎么来的 。
He cited one of his own experiences. He once sat in on a young teacher explaining mathematical formulas. At first, 30 students listened attentively, but after 30 minutes, half of them were in their heads. Earlier, the teacher had written a formula and spent 20 minutes explaining where it came from.
