about|图灵奖得主:中国高校更应关注本科生的教育质量以及所有学生的教育( 三 )

"When I was a little older than you, I focused on building my profession, but now I want to do something that will make a big difference in the world, which is one of the reasons why I came back to Work in China.
在这之前 , 我大概在十五个国家工作过 , 智利、巴西、墨西哥、沙特阿拉伯、突尼斯、印度等等 , 尝试帮助他们改善教育 。 我会教授一课程帮助到一些学生 , 帮助一些老师 , 但是我却没有能力改善教育体系 。
Before that, I had worked in about 15 countries, Chile, Brazil, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, India, and so on, trying to help improve their education. I would teach a course that would help some students and help some teachers, but I didn't have the ability to improve the education system.
所以我就意识到 , 如果政府没有把改善教育作为最为重要的事项 , 谁都无能为力 。
So I realized that if the government didn't make improving education a top priority, there was nothing anyone could do.
所以我认为中国的教育将快速改变 , 目前在中国最优先的事项是通过改善教育来改善生活水平 , 这几年我也看到中国在教育上发生的一些改变 , 公司也可以雇佣到他们所需的人才 , 我相信中国的教育马上就会赶上美国 。 ”
So I think education in China is going to change very quickly. Right now the top priority in China is to improve the standard of living by improving education. I've seen some changes in education in China over the years, and companies are able to hire the people they need."


The 4th World Laureates Forum:
第四届世界顶尖科学家论坛于11月1日至3日在中国(上海)自由贸易试验区临港新片区举行 。 包括68位诺贝尔奖得主在内的131位世界顶尖科学奖项获得者、28位中国两院院士、132位国内外顶尖青年科学家、未来“小科学家”代表 , 以及来自国际组织、国际顶尖高校及科研机构、知名企业界的嘉宾代表及其他各界嘉宾数百人 , 跨越全球23个国家、100多个城市和14个时区 。
The 4th World Laureates Forum was held in lingang New Area of China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone from November 1 to 3. 131, including 68 Nobel Prize winner, the world's top science award winner, 28 member of Chinese both at home and abroad, a 132 - bit's top young scientist, "small scientists" on behalf of the future, as well as from international organizations, international top universities and research institutions and well-known corporate guests representatives and other guests hundreds of people from all walks of life, It spans 23 countries, more than 100 cities and 14 time zones.
对于教授的观点 , 你们怎么看?
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来源:澎湃新闻、世界顶尖科学家论坛、央视网 , 图片来源于网络 , 如侵删 。
