about|图灵奖得主:中国高校更应关注本科生的教育质量以及所有学生的教育( 二 )

“讲座结束后 , 我告诉她发生了什么 。 我们讨论了一会儿 , 得出结论是学生们没有理解数学定理所说的内容 。 如果她能令人愉快地解释这个定理可能会更好 , 解释这个定理为什么很重要、如何应用 。 她本可以让全班同学将定理的直观形式转换为数学定理 。 我们也讨论到用20分钟讲一个定理是有意义的 , 也许应该注重其中的关键步骤 。 我们还讨论希望学生6个月后还有哪些记忆留存 。 ”霍普克罗夫特认为 , 教育的重点不是老师说了什么 , 而是学生记住了什么、能否实际应用 。
"After the lecture, I told her what had happened. We discussed it for a while and concluded that the students did not understand what the mathematical theorems said. It would have been better if she had pleasantly explained the theorem, why it was important and how it could be applied. She could have asked the class to translate the intuitive form of a theorem into a mathematical theorem. We also talked about how it makes sense to talk about a theorem for 20 minutes, and maybe focus on the key steps. We also discuss what memories we want our students to have six months later." According to Hopcroft, education is not about what the teacher says, but what the student remembers and can be used.
他认为 , 有相当多的中国学生到美国高校攻读博士学位 , 其中很多人更愿意留在美国的原因在于 , 中国的高校不能提供他们想要的环境 , 筹集研究经费和发表论文的压力太大 , 很多年轻教员不得不为资深教师工作 。 这不是一个教育学生或者做基础研究的良好环境 。
He think , a significant number of Chinese students pursue PHDS at American universities, and many of them prefer to stay in the United States , the reason is that Chinese universities do not provide the environment they want. There is too much pressure to raise research funds and publish papers, and many young faculty have to work for senior faculty. It's not a good environment to educate students or do basic research.
他表示 , “现在全球的教育体系都存在各种问题 , 人才培养也存在各种问题 。 ”
"There are all kinds of problems in education systems around the world right now, and there are all kinds of problems in talent development," he said.


“中国的目标应该是让一些大学成为世界上最好的大学 。 ”霍普克罗夫特表示 , “当中国创建了一些世界顶尖大学后 , 外国大学就会让中国博士生担任教职 , 以改善其教育机构 。 实际上 , 世界上大部分人都处在没有优质教育系统的国家 。 我们需要改善全世界的教育系统 , 因此我们可以利用全世界的人才 。 ”
"China's goal should be to make some of its universities the best in the world." "When China has created some of the world's top universities, foreign universities will have Chinese PhD students on faculty to improve their educational institutions," says Hopcroft. In fact, most of the world's people live in countries without quality education systems. We need to improve education systems around the world so that we can tap into the talent of the world."


20191116期《开讲啦》 , 邀请到了约翰·霍普克罗夫特教授 , 谈及中国真正重视教育 , 改善教育体系时引人深思 。
20191116Voice,with Professor John Edward Hopcroft:China has a real emphasis on education and improving its education system.
“我在比你们年龄略大一些的时候 , 专注于建立自己的专业 , 但是现在我想做一些会对世界有重要影响的事情 , 这也是你们想问的我为什么回会来中国工作的原因之一 。
