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6.promise(熟义:v. 答应;诺言) v. 有希望
It promises to be warm this afternoon. 今天下午可望转暖 。
There’s plenty of room for improvement in your work. 你的工作还有很多改进的余地 。
① 表演(vt.) They are performing the play The Merchant of Venice.
② 表现(vi) He performed well in the contest.
① 礼物 (n.) He sent me a present for my birthday.
② 在场的、出席的(adj.)There were 200 people present at the meeting.
③ 目前 , 当前(n.)I am afraid I can`t help you at present----I am too busy
④ 提出、介绍(vt.) He presented his report to the manager when he finished it
① 力量 (n.) It`s beyond my power to do this.
② 动力(n.) wind power
③ 权利(n.)
① 地方(n.) Qingdao is a good place to live in.
② 放置(vt.) When he came in,he placed his bag on the table.
① 指(出)(vi.) The clock hands pointed to twelve.
② 点(n.) Two point six 2.6
③要点、论点(n.) Let`s stop discussing the useless problem and come to the point.
① 竞赛(n.) a horse-race
② 种族(n.) people of mixed race
① 提高、举起(vt.) Raise your voice to make yourself heard.
② 饲养;抚养(vt.) My mother raised pigs at the countryside.
③ 筹集;集资(vt.) The man raised money to build a primary school.. (熟义:n. 房间 )n. 空间
There is no room for so many people.
① 粗糙的(adj.)Touch the ball and tell me whether it is rough or smooth.
②艰辛的(adj.)Life is rough. (熟义:v. 跑 , 行驶 )v. 经营 , 管理;
He has no idea of how to run a successful business. 他不知道把企业办好的方法 。
① 规则的(adj.)The man does regular exercise to keep fit.
② 定期的、定时的(adj.)He goes to work by regular bus.
③ 照例的、经常的(adj.)Mary is a regular customer in the shop.
① 认识到(vt.) Only then did I realize I was wrong.
② 实现(vt.) He realized his dream of being a doctor.
① 拯救、救(vt.)He jumped into water and saved the drowning man.
② 节约(vt.) Save water,please.
③ 储蓄(vt.) The girl saves some money for travel.
① 服务、服役(vt.) He served in the army during the war.
② 供(某人)饭菜、上菜(vt.) Learn to serve at table.
3.see(熟义:v. 看见 )v. 见证
The year 2004 saw the improvement of human rights in China. 2004年见证了中国人权的进步 。
4.sentence(熟义:n. 句子)v. 判决 , 宣判
He has been sentenced to pay a fine of 1000 pounds. 他被判罚款1000英镑 。
5.separate(熟义:v. 分离 , 分开)adj. 各自的 , 独立的 , 单独存在的
We can’t work together any more; I think it’s time we went our separate ways.
我们再也不能在一起工作了 , 我看得各奔东西了 。
6.settle(熟义:v. 定居 , 稳定 , 安定 )v. 解决 , 处理
It’s time you settled your dispute with him. 现在你该跟他把争端解决了 。
① 服务(n.) The food is good at the hotel,but the service is poor.
②公用事业的业务或工作状态(n.) a bus/train service
① 自从……(以来)I have worked in the company since I graduated from college.
② 既然 Since you like the car,why don`t you buy it?
9.suggest (熟义:v. 建议 , 提议 ) v. 暗示 , 表明
His cool response suggested that he didn’t like the idea. 他反应冷淡表明他并不喜欢这个主意 。
