

今年 , “外交天团”金句频出 , 字字铿锵、句句在理 , 展现了不卑不亢的大国气度 。同时 , 外交部的翻译也常常令人叫绝 , 精准地向世界传递出中国声音 。我们为大家盘点了2021年外交部精彩翻译 , 一起来学习! 1 吃着中国的饭 , 还砸着中国的锅
They should know better than to bite the hand that feeds them.
3月29日 , 在谈到一些外国企业仅仅依据谎言就拒用新疆棉花的话题时 , 赵立坚评论道:做生意要讲究尊重 , 一面赚着中国消费者的钱 , 一面对中国抹黑攻击、损害中国利益 。“吃着中国的饭 , 还砸着中国的锅” , 天下哪有这样的美事? They should know better than to bite the hand that feeds them. There is no way to get away with this. 2 揣着明白装糊涂
play dumb and feign innocence 5月25日 , 在被问及福岛核污染水排放相关话题时 , 赵立坚说 , “日方为一己之私做出的危险决定 , 将遗害子孙后代和全球生态 。 ” 这笔账如果日方不算明白 , 国际社会必会帮他算明白 。 如果日方揣着明白装糊涂 , 国际社会肯定不会答应 。If the Japanese side can't understand this the international community will help it to get this point. If it still plays dumb and feigns innocence the international community will never allow it. 3 【教师|外交部的英文翻译有多牛?连“呵呵”都译出了精髓】以其人之道 , 还治其人之身
paying them back in their own coin 6月8日 , 赵立坚针对关于反外国制裁法立法目的提问做出回应: 为了坚决维护国家主权、尊严和核心利益 , 反对西方霸权主义和强权政治 , 今年以来 , 中国政府已多次宣布对有关国家的实体和个人实施相应反制措施 。 “以其人之道 , 还治其人之身” 。In order to resolutely safeguard national sovereignty dignity and core interests and oppose Western hegemonism and power politics the Chinese government has launched multiple corresponding countermeasures against entities and individuals of relevant countries since the beginning of 2021. It's paying them back in their own coin. 4 世界民众只能表示“呵呵”了
they will only be shrugged off by people around the world 7月12日 , 在被问及彭博社发布“全球抗疫排名” , 美国排名第一的话题时 , 赵立坚回应道: 所谓的排名结果 , 把黑的说成白的、白的说成黑的 , 也许今后还能把死的说成活的 。 我想世界民众只能表示“呵呵”了 , 姑且把它当作茶余饭后的谈资吧 。The so-called ranking makes black look white and white look black and perhaps it will call the dead alive. They will only be shrugged off by people around the world and offer something for small talk. 外交部也曾把“呵呵”译作 “How interesting” ,表面在说“真有趣” , 内心其实充满鄙夷和不屑 , 完美表达出“呵呵”的讽刺意味 。5 无中生有、以己度人
be made up out of thin air; measuring others' corn by one's own bushel 7月29日 , 外交部发布的《美国就单方面要求中方关闭驻休斯敦总领馆散布的谎言与事实真相》中写道: 美方影射中国驻休斯敦总领馆外交官曾在美盟友如澳大利亚等国从事特工活动 , 是无中生有、以己度人的猜测 。The US allegation that Chinese diplomats at the Consulate-General in Houston have carried out espionage in Australia and other US allies is made up out of thin air. It is like measuring others' corn by one's own bushel. 6 真金不怕火炼
True gold doesn't fear the test of fire. 今年6月 , 俄罗斯总统普京接受美国全国广播公司采访时就涉疆、台湾等问题表达了对中方的支持 , 对企图破坏中俄关系的尝试予以驳斥 。 对此 , 赵立坚称: “真金不怕火炼”。 我们也奉劝那些千方百计离间分化中俄关系的人 , 任何企图破坏中俄关系的图谋都注定不会得逞 。As a Chinese proverb says \"True gold doesn't fear the test of fire.\" We have to tell those who try every means to drive a wedge between China and Russia that any attempt to undermine China-Russia relations is doomed to fail. 这句习语也可以译作:True gold can stand the test of fire 。7 不以为耻 , 反以为荣
