taking pride in instead of feeling ashamed for something 有报道称 , 日本前首相安倍晋三对于其涉台不当言论受中方关注 , 表示“不胜荣幸” , 对此 , 赵立坚12月6日回应道: 日本个别政客对自身错误言行不以为耻 , 反以为荣 , 这再次暴露出他们的是非观出了问题 。Certain Japanese politicians' taking pride in instead of feeling ashamed for their erroneous deeds and words once again reveals their problematic sense of right and wrong.
8 搬起石头砸自己的脚
The stone they are lifting will end up falling on their feet. 针对澳大利亚政府官员公开鼓吹中国威胁论 , 赵立坚9月10日称: 我们奉劝澳方政客不要渲染“中国威胁”、将中国树立为“假想敌” , 这只能搬起石头砸自己的脚 。We hope Australian politicians will stop sensationalizing the so-called China threat and seeing China as the \"imagined enemy\" or else the stone they are lifting will end up falling on their feet.
9 这本身就是对民主的嘲讽 , 是最大的不民主
Nothing could be further from true democracy than this travesty of democracy. 针对美国发起所谓“民主峰会” , 赵立坚11月30日称: 美国执意用黑白胶卷刻画多彩世界 , 用一己标准垄断民主定义 , 无视不同国家文化、历史和文明的巨大差异,自编自导充当所谓民主“判官” ,这本身就是对民主的嘲讽 , 是最大的不民主 。The US insists on depicting the multicolor world in black and white film and monopolizing the definition of democracy with its own standard in disregard of the huge differences in culture history and civilization of different countries. It acts as the judge of democracy in its self-choreographed play. Nothing could be further from true democracy than this travesty of democracy.
10 为“台独”势力搭台 , 只会让自己下不来台
Those offering platform to \"Taiwan independence\" forces will find themselves in an awkward place. 针对美方邀请台湾当局参加所谓“领导人民主峰会” , 赵立坚11月24日称: 为“台独”势力搭台 , 只会让自己下不来台 。与“台独”一起玩火 , 终将引火烧身 。Those offering platform to \"Taiwan independence\" forces will find themselves in an awkward place. Those playing with fire with \"Taiwan independence\" forces will end up getting burned.
看完这些总结 , 有没有被这些精炼简洁的翻译惊艳到? 如果想看更多 , 不妨每天追更外交部例行记者会 ,不仅能 了解我国的外交立场 ,感受外交官的 风采, 还能学翻译、学英语 , 将来向外国朋友解释中国发生的事情 , 也能用英语对答如流 。 这样优秀的宝藏 , 一起追起来吧!
编辑:左卓 实习生:梁一鸣 来源:中国日报双语新闻
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